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*cough* *cough cough cough* *cough cough* *cough cough* *cough* *weez* *urk* *cough cough* *weez* *breathe* *breathe*


*regain composure*

yea, i usually try to find quick ways to do things before taking a long time to do anything. i don't get much accomplished.
18.01.04 02:50
Post #61
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I imported the same sprite 10 times, each time the sprite got 10% less opaque...

No fancy flash for me and the tweening wouldnt help for that.

Sidenote: And yeah, discovered how to tween in fireworks mx :P

Learn to look, look to learn.
18.01.04 09:35
Post #62
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lol you figured it out >_< lol
ahh you can change the opacity of the sprites?
btw sprites are wat?(imported images?)
18.01.04 19:50
Post #63
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imported animations...

Learn to look, look to learn.
18.01.04 20:57
Post #64
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lol (noob question)
so only the animated ones? or the images too?
19.01.04 02:41
Post #65
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does anyone know how to make the images opaque on flash mx?
19.01.04 03:40
Post #66
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hmmm i'll look tomorrow....can't check now...
19.01.04 04:27
Post #67
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images are opaque by default on flash, you can fiddle with the alpha settings to make them less so.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
19.01.04 23:10
Post #68
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ok i looked...and i haven't the
20.01.04 00:02
Post #69
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ya i tried for an hour to find the option and no luck. I know the option is sumwhere tho. If sum1 finds it take a picture of where u found it.
20.01.04 04:12
Post #70
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which option? alpha??? try the colours panel. or it might be in the properties panel.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
20.01.04 23:00
Post #71
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lol i didn't even look there....i looked around the layers area(to try to do it like fireworks and photoshop)
21.01.04 01:17
Post #72
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there's alpha colours in the colors panel. Is that what u'd use for the transparent* picture?! I doubt it.
21.01.04 03:50
Post #73
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a picture is opaque, tell me what the fuck ur trying to do????? decrease the alpha level to increase transparency.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
21.01.04 18:47
Post #74
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yes! That is what he is trying to do! lol increase transparency..make it "less" opaque
21.01.04 18:56
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