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well thor's smart. he can do it.
30.10.03 20:36
Post #31
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woo, new one:

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
01.11.03 14:32
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thats pretty cool readme.
01.11.03 15:21
Post #33
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[]The Pope
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vn readme, dont think i'll be making any more. as u can see im crap at doing series, except from gref0.

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01.11.03 15:25
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heh, it's good, but it seems a bit slow, and there's a blue square round the worm too :P

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01.11.03 20:44
Post #35
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upgrade ur plugin/gfx drives or maybe just get a decent browser, it's fine at 20fps on my screen, look good at 50fps too actually.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
01.11.03 21:22
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no, what I mean is the worm walks at normal speed, which to me is a little slow to be jumping over a building. And I already have a better browser :P

You know I'm a dancing machine
01.11.03 21:29
Post #37
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i was reffering to the blue square problem, and he stops anyway.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
01.11.03 21:39
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Butt Cheek
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did u make the part with him walking? I havnt been able 2 find that sprite... if u have it can u upload it 4 me please

01.11.03 23:14
Post #39
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There it be, its called wwalk in the total sprite collection

also nice bit of marqueeing there. heh

Learn to look, look to learn.
02.11.03 09:11
Post #40
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heh, n1 pope, to make him walk it's a 15 frame sprite that you play static, then you start it again but shift it over slightly.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
02.11.03 12:54
Post #41
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k ty ive got it. have no idea what ill do with it though

02.11.03 14:22
Post #42
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well i've decied stickmen have better long term animation prospects than worms do:

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
02.11.03 15:46
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[]The Pope
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what kind of tween did you use and how did u get it not to morph weirdly when doing so?

Learn to look, look to learn.
02.11.03 15:47
Post #44
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n stickman sig and pope that worm would be good dodging sum bullets wen he jerks
02.11.03 16:02
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