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ShoutMeUpXmas Greetings from waka waka waka waka
Word AssociationAll-10 Ago- MiddleEastern
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Date: 07.03.25. |
Your Comments: (show all 305 comments)
Om nom nom!
[26.05.08 01:02 PM]
You ate his cookies? THEFT!
[01.06.08 06:49 PM]
Well, I was feeling bored, so I thought I'd add a pointless page to the fun section. Below is a textarea, you can change it how you like, even if you're not logged in. Then when it's changed, click 'Change!', et viola, your changes are registered, and everyone else will be able to see it. Pointless, eh?
Weird. If we can see & modify this page when we aren't logged in, why when I wanna see this page, I can't because I need to be logged in?
[05.06.08 01:49 AM]
spambots ruin that part.
[05.06.08 02:42 AM]
So change the text! Put this:
[05.06.08 03:10 AM]
waz this?
oh its pacmans brain!
[31.08.08 05:51 AM]
[17.02.09 12:51 PM]
LMFAO. There is currently a girl flashing her tits in the text area made out of letters and numbers.
[06.12.10 06:19 AM]
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[06.12.10 06:21 AM]
Meh, it didn't work. Nevermind.
[06.12.10 06:23 AM]