
About ClanSites

What is ClanSites? Oh, I'm meant to know instead of asking you, aren't I. Ok. ClanSites is basically for those people who need a site for their clan, but don't have the time / effort to actually make one, or for those people who are in the process of making a site, but need a temporary site until their one is going. ClanSites makes making a site a bit easier. Using ClanSites, you can create & organise your sites pages, post news, and create a member list, without needing to know HTML.
You also get a league for your clan, so your members can pit themselves against each other in furious and bloody batttles full of gore. Or not.

It's all nicely automated, there's an admin panel for your site, from which you create your pages, order them on the menu, add, edit and remove members and news, and change your league settings and site look. If you ask, I'll make it so that points to your clan site.

As time goes on, I'll be adding more designs to choose from, so you can choose how your site looks to a greater extent. You'll be able to change design by just using a different address, instead of using cs.php, you can choose to use cs2.php etc...

For more info on getting a site, go to "get a site" on the left

Anyway, if you already have a site, and are looking for help, keep reading.

A Guide To Setting Up Your Site
So, I've just set up a site for you, and you have absoloutely no idea what you're doing here...
Well, first of all, you need to go to "Site Admin" on the left under ClanSites. You should see your clan's name there. Just click on it and you will enter the admin panel. Once there, you have the power (muahaha-)...
P.s. If you have any probs, just ask me, either by e-mail or on the forum.

Step 1. Add a page
The first thing your site needs is a main page, so go to "Add a page." Enter the name that you want to appear on the menu of your page in the menu title box, and then just enter what you want on the page in the body box. You will probably want to change "Your Title" into a title like "Welcome". You don't need to worry about HTML (apart from the H2, which is already there for you anyway), unless you want to include something that needs it (e.g. Images, links). What is important is that you control where the news is. If you want to put your news on this page, just enter <!--NEWS--> for the last 10 news posts (there won't be any yet), or <!--LASTNEWS--> for just the latest news post. There are a number of different things you can enter which will be replaced by certain other things, these are near the bottom of this page. So, that's basically all there is to your first page...

Step 2. Customize your site look
You may not want to do this yet, but now you can really see what it looks like it seems a good time.
To customise the look of your page, go to "Configure Design" in the admin panel. Read the instructions there, and you should be able to work out what to do. You can take a look at your design by going to the page that's linked to at the top of the admin panel.

Step 3. Add some more pages
You'll no-doubt want more pages than just one, so you can add as many as you like, just go to "add a page" again. Add what pages you want.

Step 4. Arrange your pages on the menu
You can do this in "Order pages." Again, reading the instructions there should be enough to help you understand. If it isn't, just ask.

Step 5. Add other stuff
Now you can go add what you like, news, members, stuff. When you add a member they are automatically added to your league. If you don't want a league for your site, you can turn it off in "change league settings"

When creating pages, you can use smilies, and the other things below for ease of use. In ALL your pages except the leaugue ones, the following things are replaced. And they are case sensitive. I know it's a bit irregular using different brackets and all that, but oh well...

  • New lines are replaced by <br>
  • Smilies - see down...
  • <!--NEWS--> Displays the 10 most recent news posts
  • <!--LASTNEWS--> is replaced by the latest news post
  • <!--ALLNEWS--> is replaced by ALL of the news. Useful for and 'old news' page etc.
  • <!--MEMBERLIST--> Lists all the members with new lines in between. Clicking on a name shows that profile
  • [NEWWIND]URL[/NEWWIND]Opens URL in a new window automatically. Useful for opening forums etc.
  • [WLEFT] Gives you an image of a relatively large worm looking left
  • [WRIGHT] Gives you an image of a relatively large worm looking right
  • [WLEFTS] Gives you a (quite) small worm looking left
  • [WRIGHTS] Gives you a (quite) small worm looking right
  • [WLEFTT] Gives you a tiny worm looking left
  • [WRIGHTT] Gives you a tiny worm looking right
Smilies (Ok, so I took them from PHPBB, but I thought it was necessary...) Note case sensitivity!:
  • :) is replaced by
  • :D is replaced by
  • :( is replaced by
  • :oops: is replaced by
  • :o is replaced by
  • :lol: is replaced by
  • 8) is replaced by
  • :? is replaced by
  • 8O is replaced by
  • :x is replaced by
  • :P is replaced by
  • :cry: is replaced by
  • :evil: is replaced by
  • :twisted: is replaced by
  • :roll: is replaced by
  • :wink: is replaced by
  • :| is replaced by
  • :mrgreen: is replaced by

Your Comments: (show all 20 comments)

[G]emberstrife Said:
[20.02.05 01:57 PM]

[G]billynizzle Said:
[23.06.05 07:01 AM]

[G]billynizzle Said:
[23.06.05 07:02 AM]

[]satside Said:
[26.07.05 03:30 PM]

[B]Pac-Man Said:
# :mrgreen: is replaced by NOTHING :D
[26.08.07 12:27 AM]

[B]Pac-Man Said:
[08.02.08 08:07 PM]

[B]Pac-Man Said:
[08.02.08 08:07 PM]

[]MilesPrower Said:
Let's see if it works

[27.09.08 05:28 PM]

[ES]Pioneer322 Said:
newwind? wtf?
[27.09.08 07:05 PM]

[]SouthX Said:
[img][/im g]
[28.09.08 04:11 AM]

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