
User News!

If you have your own news to tell everyone about, you can come here to post it. If you don't want to post the news, you can come here to read user posted news. I guess the same applies for if you do want to post news too. hmm.

Articles can be serious or not so serious, it doesn't really matter. Just try not to offend people.

To post your own news, click here

10.09.09 OMG ITS A LION GET IN THE CAR omgwaffle.

28.09.08 WQDB is hiring quotes Rioter

Quotes required, apply within

06.09.08 Sunday Blamer is up! Shocking, isn't it? TheAbdBoy

Pio has to add a link to the contents again...

21.08.08 swwesparkle84 sweetsparkle84
hey baby

22.07.08 THanks Pac-Man
im not fine

10.07.08 Hi MilesPrower
How r u?

30.06.08 IMG tags do not work here Pac-Man
[IMG] [/IMG]

30.06.08 Intelligent news MilesPrower
Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour

13.06.08 MilesPrower! Pac-Man

05.05.08 Viloence Shirdel
Type "Shoop da Woop" in Google Image. Be amazed at how good Splapp really is.

26.03.08 Hell yes! Pac-Man
No spam here!

22.03.08 My day B!G B!LLY
oooh well, i was buying some toasts. And some noodles.
@ Home i saw that the toats are bad and the noodles i lost on my way.

oh well... thats sooo... amazing

20.03.08 IE is crap MilesPrower
Open IE, come here, put your mouse over an anon profile and try to see something. Nothing? Results:


06.03.08 I deleted a PM and... MilesPrower
I deleted a PM. And I saw a GOOGLE ADS which said "Natural Worm Remedy Powerful Natural Herbal Treatment to Eliminate Intestinal Worms!" Somebody cares about it???

02.02.08 Attention Angry Mobs SouthX
Pio isn't useless guys, you can take home your pitchforks.

25.11.07 Spam Pac-Man
If you are reading this, you just thought "Spam"!

19.10.07 LAWL! SouthX
JUst LAWL is all I've to say. It's amazing. ;)

19.10.07 BTP Companion Pac-Man
If you want a cool prog, have a look into the programs section

10.10.07 Wormux 0.8 Beta 2 Pac-Man
There's a new worms clone: Wormux. It has rly cool graphics. You can get the beta here:
Nice long link :D

30.07.07 Menuloop No. 1 Pac-Man

26.07.07 Lolipops... SouthX
I ate a lolipop today, anyone care?

25.07.07 The new news Pac-Man
The new news are newing newbies

31.07.06 AK clan on B!G B!LLY

09.06.06 Examless kikumbob
I finished my As level exams! No more worries until three days later....!

18.04.06 Yay! Hot Gravy
I finally dodged a record of 127 pixels while roping! :D

11.04.06 xSKATEx is back to being single xSKATEx
well, yes, after a slow but rather boring breakup, im single again - xSKATEx is looking for a new candidate

08.04.06 Wormy RPG Wormo
The RPG, which title is mentioned above (Wormy RPG), is not seeming to do much at the moment dispite my efforts. The RPG in question is starting to collapse, and although some think Im rushing things, I have previously sent PMs to the people in the RPG and one person who seemed to enjoy it. Wormy RPG is still accepting new worms ect. and also on a later note, if there is a Deathbot out there not called Deathbot, I am expecting you to re-join as a new character.

15.11.05 Reading a watch. HarrY
I decided that I needed to know the current time. I acomplished this by raising my wrist infront of my eyes so that I could view the watch on my wrist. The time in question was 10:13 AM.

07.11.05 Sneak Peek Wormo
Wormo (me) is planning to make some Worms trading cards. This is a special occasion and PM me a Name and Description of your ideal worm. DO do this as I would make as many as I can. Keep me busy!

More on Wormo: STP has completely collapsed.
Even more: My sister is roaming the site under the name of Aminal, so beware!!

02.10.05 Pixels invade Deathbot
Deathbot(1): are u aware that there is a pixel under ur nose
ZoGgEr!(2): yes. DIE!
(1): see ya!
(2): wipe ur feet before leaving my office.

28.09.05 IM BACK! Cheeetar

11.07.05 Today is my birthday. XxSpIDerxX

03.06.05 Sorry for pissing all off. Cheeetar
Im sorry for pissing everybody off right now so I decided to stop doing it.
Ill withdraw all bad ratings and that stuff.

And by the way, I'm leaving the site. So long, and thanks for all the fish/insults.

18.01.05 BlameTheTypeWriter kikumbob
Incase your missing out in anything you dont want to, Id like to bring to your attention, The BlameTheTypeWriter forum.
The forum gives users to chance to post storys, poems or any other wiritng related topic to show to other users who like to read interesting (and sometimes even good) pieces of writing.

Currently, i am writing a nice story which im releasing in chapters and Glenn has posted two short pieces of work. If you would like to post anythin, we would be most delighted to read it. I encourage all to come and see at least!

28.11.04 My life is how I choose Rizzano
Hello all. Many of you have known me from my old days as LkSkwLkR when I used to play in WACL with my clan, WoaT, and ran a league with a few people called WALOS until WACL closed, then knew me again as Drazzle in clans TBH, AC, and SuX. Now you know me as Rizzano, and recently I have unndergone some major life changes.

#1) I give credit for my life, my spirit, and my eternity to the Almighty God through His Son Jesus Christ. God is the lord of my life now, and always will be. He was once a long time ago, but I fell from my walk.

Anyway, this does not mean I will be preachy, or do not hold back how you normally are if you play with me or post a reply to something I post, or whatever, and I won't be witnessing to others, (aside from this post here, I have to you understand ;) )

Don't be offended if you find my maps are God-based. I am supposed to Glorify God in all that I do, and I could not see any place in my life for worms, until I started making maps again.

Anyhow, my final word is, if you care to view where I am most active with God, check out the site my girlfriend and I created to Glorify God and help others.

Thanks, and God Bless.

(If this offends anyone, sorry, but this is who I am now.)

22.10.04 200 viewers on BTP TV! Knifa
liek, omfg!

17.10.04 Testing Star Worms
Well I've just set up my admin area on my site, but I need to make sure no-one can hack into it. I've created a back up of everything. If you wish to *try* to hack into my admin area, please try, but email me the bug you found so I can fix it. Here's the link:

19.09.04 Hacking Drattigan
There's some hacker around.. be careful! And remember, it's a jungle out there!

13.09.04 Yes! Bring It! Drattigan
I have sucsefully sorted all The Wormy Wonders new design bugs! You may now see the site, comment... explore! Enjoy!

12.09.04 Treasure Hunt Khuzad
heh, go to and then follow the links from there. I'll give 5£ to the first person to put a comment on the last page. Good luck!

10.09.04 WW closing. Drattigan
It's closing people... what a tradgedy. For a samll amount of time Worm Was is closing down.

06.09.04 Labor Day rl47
yay for labor day! we are off!

24.08.04 Knifa is now an admin! TheAbdBoy
huzzah! SPAZ also wants you to go to

17.07.04 BTP User Awards The Pope
Check out to vote!

13.07.04 Vacation. Thnikkaman
Going to Outer Banks on Saturday for 2 weeks. I will not be dead. Unless I will be, which I most likely will not be. Now to Zog with the weather.

11.07.04 [user]Redline[/user] and [user]MrrLL[/user] xSKATEx
Sadly, redline has got hit by a car afterprom and dies. Later that week, rimors of another death.. MrrLL, however MrrLL did not die it was just a practical joke that his brother played on BTP. RIP Redline......

02.06.04 A new scheme map? Zippy
Yes, a map for the WTF scheme has now been released.

16.05.04 Wormiddy Worm Worm Zippy
Duke makes his first FireWorks MX worm art. This is the link to see it, Although, Wishmaster is still the king of the worm art *bow*

16.05.04 The Fart MrrLL
Saturday night, 11:23 PM
MrrLL ate 40 cans of beans this night. 4 hours after dinner, at 11:23 PM a dreadful horrific sound came out of his ass. I do believe we call this a 'Fart'.

We will continue this story in a couple of years.. or decades..centurys..

22.04.04 school! MrrLL
w00h00 30 days of school left on average !

17.04.04 backf rom my week holiday HarrY
as the title says:)

10.04.04 AllTheWorms v6 is up! DeathBringer
AllTheWorms v6 is available on to make your wormy life easier lol! Feel free to look and post comments!

07.04.04 2 sites of mien put up!! HarrY
"the shed of gardening" was my 1st 2 go up
shortley after "teh tree" went up on PixVille

15.03.04 New Clan!!! Roy
A new clan has arrived! the A1 clan! its 35% fort,35% normal,30% roping. plz join!

11.03.04 AllTheWorms is dead once again! DeathBringer
AllTheWorms is dead, for 4th or 5th time. Hoster's dead, i moved what i had on my hdd to . Wanna help me with new hoster - feel free to PM or post in WX forum(here, on BTP).

09.03.04 Wewt Knifa
I got £250 for playing word associtation! :D

27.02.04 RnRxSSTxLdr strikes again!!... Glenn
Well, Friday night, RnR decided to screw with us once again. But thanks to quick action by routine_error, SPAZ, and myself, we were able to curb his... *ahem* 'reign of terror', and delete all of his spam (not including the Word Association). Just thought you should know...

25.02.04 Banned on 2 accounts RnRxSSTxLdr#89534
You all think I can be defeated.
You're all pitiful little ants.
I am undefeatable.
Along with my 25 accounts on this site.

25.02.04 I am recovering AllTheWorms DeathBringer if u can help with adding links, u're welcome to AllTheWorms Team.

04.02.04 I have forum! Archamond

28.01.04 Good and bad news joetheeskimo5
Bad news is that I've lost all my user info thanks to the user table failing. Good news is that my birthday is in 9 days (Feb. 6)and I'm getting a new comp by the end of February and with it, as a birthday gift, WORMS 3D!!!!! YAY!!! :D

27.01.04 I have returned! xKingx
Yes, all hail the King, he has returned! I'll be on WWP and TS if you want to play or chat. Or you can message me at

23.01.04 Kings of Chaos Star Worms

If you haven't come across it before you have an army. To get more people in your army you get people to click your link. For every man you get you get 50 gold (62.5 if you race is humans due to the 25% income bonus) You can buy weapons, armour, seige technology, spies, upgrade fortification. Then you fight other people. If you beat them you take most of their money and buy better stuff for you army. I have built up quite a large army and I have several officers. I protect my officers. If you would like to play the game and become one of my officers click the link below, then click the number and finally click "Join the War" and register:

(Click the link on that page - I'm not allowed to post the link on this forum)

When you join you will get a unique link, like mine, if you give this to people they can click on it once every 24 hours (and you can!).

27.12.03 i like starting wars! Parrot
I quote: "XxfuzzballxX Said:
damn you noobs stop just asking for members you assholls" [13.11.03 07:12 AM]end quote. i feel that this noob should shut up. Dont you?

26.12.03 I own you Parrot
i own you... whats more to say??

13.12.03 DragonPower Archamond
My first game is finished!!
You can download it from and
Name og game is Dragon Power!!
Go and download it!!

12.12.03 English template for VW site OutOfOrder
This isnt much new, but an english version of the VW clan site had been launched. It would be cool to hear comments about this, thanks people.
Note: Some European users might not be able to enter the site... server issues, apparently >:l

10.12.03 new WWP missions from Bloopy! Bloopy
I just uploaded 4 WWP missions in the style of a bungee race, aroper, and 2 rope races. You can get them here:[]=12

Or you can go straight here and start submitting your times for the missions too, your times are always appreciated!:

07.12.03 Star Worms 3D Star Worms
Please visit my Worms 3D fansite at and please take part in the poll

29.11.03 My site Archamond
Just to all you know, I have my own site at . There you can see all about my clan-ZlooxyWarriors and my games that you can download from softbrain's site

29.10.03 hono shwan
plz plz plz a shoppa!! THE man killing my

15.10.03 Worm Shooter The Pope
Worm Shooter, which is a shooting game with a worm in it, is avaliable on the Misc. Files page to download.

06.10.03 Softbrain... Jackbob
Dingbats', my, Simpa's and Antemannen's game company site is finished!

05.10.03 New clan TheAbdBoy
Yeah, me and Snake started a new clan called 1nR. Which stands for 1337 n%bish Ropers

28.09.03 rwa site fuzzball

28.09.03 A Site Of Mine The Pope
Here is my site if you didn't know about it
PM if u have any suggestions, bugs, mistakes to tell me.

28.09.03 Visit my ClanSite Archamond
Visit my ClanSite at and visit my forum, then join my Clan!!

27.09.03 ZlooxyWarriors Archamond
My clan is groving. Join it and be part of fun:)

23.09.03 me clan fuzzball
hi all my clan needs members so if u wanna join and have some skils email me at

19.09.03 W3D XxDreamEaterxX
finnally i hear W3D demo has hit the net so that means that the final is only around da corner!

06.09.03 First Background The Pope
The first worms background has been uploaded up to BTP and it's surely not going to be the last.

01.09.03 First grave bob
I decided to start small when creating stuff to upload to Btp. I made a grave!!! Well 2 actually!

22.08.03 After Delays, Fiends Greatest Shitz hists the shelves! Fiend
Yes, my map pack is now rally available. For Real. Oh, special thanks to Bloopy for the kool banner. Thanks. Especialy.

22.08.03 137 rhymes routine_error
That thing was either entirely pointless, or you and Meiapaul just wanted to spam a whole helluvla lot and get some money for doing so.

17.08.03 what the pope said Meiapaul
gogogo get rhyming! its rather important

17.08.03 Win 200 The Pope
To win 200 pounds be the 137th replier on Make It RHyme. What you post MUST rhyme and be longer and 4 words.

04.08.03 My mum Eiko
My mum is currently in the united states now and I am really happy for her she has been waiting for 2 years the first year was cancelled because of 9/11 and the other was because the flight was cancelled a few weeks beforehand but now she's there and i'm so happy for her

04.08.03 Oooooh CBWhiz new Staff Member C1
seems cbwhiz is now a new staff member but zogger never posted news about it so i say it here

CBWhiz's Edit: I was gonna post it here too, not on the main page, only the uber 133t BTP membrrs know about User News, as edvidanced by my post below this one ;)

You can expect new money stuff, like a roulett table and lottery, provided Zogger lets me in on the PHP ;).

02.08.03 Super Duper Money Contest (aka the $225.00000000000000000001 giveaway) CBWhiz
The first person to make a comment to this message gets $100 donation. The Second and Third ;$50. Fourth Place gets $25, and fifth place gets $0.00000000000000000001.

Thats A $225.00000000000000000001 giveaway!
PS: convert the $ to a british pound sign and uve got a deal. Also, for the ignorant, this is BTP money, NOT real money :D

02.08.03 Fiends Greates Shitz to hit Btp soon Fiend
A map and game compilation is coming soon to Blamethepixel! It will be avilable under "other" in the map search. It will contain ALL of my previous releses, plus some some concept maps ( like bungee fly) and some stuff you can only get in the pack, including a nifty werm toob map. It'll be here withiin a week at the most... check "other every so often and it might show up as early as today!

31.07.03 Fiend's Noos Fiend
Hello all! Just wanted to tell ya that I shall be releseing 2 new games types very soon...I just gotta werk the bugs outta one of em. Also, since you all obvoiusly lve my flags n graves, more punk/hc customizables are also on the way! And lastly, I may be launching a website soon, dedicated to worms, old skool ( and good skool) punk, adn Pez! Dont touch that dile cause I'll be right back...

31.07.03 Mapmak(e)ing is closed Blinx
Yes mapmak(e)ing is now closed due to lack of space supplied by I will now post maps on Blame The Pixel and I have found a website to put my maps on but im finding it hard to manage it at the moment.
PS: Check out my map pack!

31.07.03 Aha now I have a cafeshops of my own Bloopy
I'll likely be adding more and more to this site as I come up with it :)

15.07.03 My Site is up too! ReadMe
Yep, after a little over a week of downtime, my website is back up now and this time it has some content. Wahey!

I should be adding a lot of new stuff over the next few weeks until i go on holiday, so keep checking back.

02.07.03 NeverEnding Story Concludes! C1
NES concludes finally! You can read it in full here

26.06.03 BornToWorm site redone! Thor
yes, ive redesigned it again to all you eager fans out there... lol. if anyone wants to be staff it'll give me an excuse to write an admin panel, so, go look at it:

15.06.03 Pwl 3 ronaldinho
Hello all

The poll date of the pwl 3 is now closed.

The tourney will be the Saturday 5th July , we wait you at the psg store at 11 o'clock am french time.

Go see the site to have all the important information about the tourney!

Give the word and come with much players !

Sorry if this message is boring you (I posted it in much community forum)


11.06.03 My new Site! Thor
to you frequent visitors ive redesigned it again. but i dont have any frequent visitors so meh, well, go look at it. lovely and new:

30.05.03 i need help danielhughes
i need help

weeeeee mesa cameded home and im even nobbier then before muahahahahhahahahaaha
infact i lost on the noobiest rr map ever 2day!!

24.05.03 TheAbdBoy's Tavern is Open!!! TheAbdBoy
Yep, and if it's popular enough, I will hire people to help me run it. It's on the WAASSF (as ZoGgEr! calls it).
Go there to have a drink or a meal, or perhaps to play pool!

24.05.03 Bungee Race! Bloopy
Bungee Race has arrived and it's taking the world by storm! Bless Lyndon for inventing this game! To find out how to play go here:
Check out the BlameThePixel map and schemes pages! And get even more maps from Wicked!

19.05.03 I uploaded my maps.... TonY
I've uploaded all my rr maps.. however.. it was late at night and i skipped over some.. so they're not in order :P Anyway.. try tony 16 - 21 those maps pwn :D

09.05.03 new sort of game! DarkOne
go join up for the Armageddon League!
it's on the left bottom corner
have fun!!! (highly addictive or not at all, see which group you belong to)

07.05.03 The definition of "abd" TheAbdBoy
It means Crazzy!

06.05.03 Contra Clan And The Ultimate Shoppers merged! TheAbdBoy
And they are called Contra!

05.05.03 Thor
i need to advertise my site so go look at it.

05.05.03 New site xkillAx
Me and veg made a site at

05.05.03 Hello Skel
I've never noticed this page before. :)

28.04.03 OMFG!! LOOK! TheAbdBoy
I got a name!! And it's TheAbdBoy

23.04.03 Contra Clan better than ever!!!- C1
hello everyone just wanted to tell u to go check out Contra Clan's great site...with loads of things like maps, graves, patch, forum and more...the site is

23.04.03 A pack of pixel missions coming soon! Thor
yup, you heard me. a pack of pixel missions coming soon! you can download the first mission of the series here guess what happens next lol.

my birthday is on the 12th
you can send the money to 103 W Penlyvania Urbana illinois 61802
please no spam in the mail

10.04.03 Evil Pixel reporting Evil Pixel
just to let you know i'm here to annoy you, that's all

28.02.03 Worms Singles League Vegeta
Worms Singles League is for WA and WWP singles.

30.01.03 Full Colour Custom Terrains arrive at Bloopy's Bloopy
Yep just a limited selection of the best custom terrains I have in my collection, somewhat worth downloading perhaps =D

28.01.03 ImA Site Vegeta

i did it :) nothing special :)

06.01.03 is now finished Liberty
The Elite Immortal Forces site is now finished. Why dont you go over and take a look at it


16.12.02 Another Super Update To Bloopy's Worms Page Bloopy
Well I've just given my worms page a jolly good revamp, using java script to make it much easier for me. Check it out now and decide what you think!

09.12.02 Malvin JimBob
whos malvin?

25.10.02 Too adictive markavian
Okay, this is stupid, good normal, wormers.. they're not even on AIM any more to talk, they're too busy on Pixel Flyer, notching up high scores. WARRIOR, I SAW YOU. Just 'cause I beat ur high score don't mean u should be unsociable. Tsk.

15.10.02 Just an Example ZoGgEr!
This is just an example to show the new feature, which tells you when there's been a new user news post today. When there's been a post on the same day you're here, it will say "1 new" on the menu... The same goes for HELP articles. Anyway, tis all. Bye.

12.10.02 Rather Nifty Site Revamp! Bloopy
I have just given my Worms page a nice revamp, I've added my Worms Reinforcements/United terrains, damn they're classic! Also added WWP schemes and have begun writing a story on my history with worms. Enjoy!
[EDIT :-D] Now I have uploaded my Osbournes soundbank but not to topcities cuz they're stingy. Anyway check it out!

30.09.02 Clan Wars Plutonic
The basic code now fully operational!!! You can see the clans testing it at the moment here!. I'll work on the info page in abit so u can actually know what it's all about!!

Your Comments: (show all 39 comments)

[G]white_duck Said:
Try pressing Alt + F4 ;) .
[20.04.04 10:04 PM]

[]Jakel Said:
[19.08.05 02:57 PM]

[ES]Pioneer322 Said:
fixed, but took out the comments cause there was no table for the newscomments :s
[08.04.06 03:31 PM]

[G]z00p Said:
Zippy im totaly agree ;)
[24.10.06 01:28 AM]

[]Gnork Said:
You don't have permission to access /filesubmit.php on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Apache/1.3.37 Server at Port 80

[12.06.07 09:14 AM]

[B]Pac-Man Said:
huuuuh here i am!
[25.07.07 02:19 PM]

[B]Pac-Man Said:
"Apache/1.3.37 Server" like that yum yum
[25.07.07 02:19 PM]

[]SouthX Said:
hehehe yum.
[26.07.07 04:58 AM]

[B]Pac-Man Said:
[20.01.08 05:04 PM]

[B]Pac-Man Said:
[23.07.08 03:43 AM]

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[11 Queries, Page Loaded in 0.165702 Seconds]


Xmas Greetings from waka waka waka waka []Unvalidated EmailChristmasRiddle MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! []Spleet Except for Spleet. []TheAbdBoy Always bummin' a brother out. []Spleet Happy New Year everyone! But Spleet. []TheAbdBoy

Word Association


-10 Ago-

MiddleEastern []AlphaWolf camel [S]Bloopy toe []TheAbdBoy moose knuckle [S]Bloopy MeatLoaf []Spleet IdDoAnything4Lo ve []AlphaWolf rub n tug []TheAbdBoy tugboat []The Pope rope [S]Bloopy race []TheAbdBoy


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Member Stats

Date: 14.02.25.
Members: 4731.
Latest: []Unvalidated Emailsdsakldsaldklasdsdsa
0 user(s)
1 guest(s)

On chat:
Lots of people

Files: 3330

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