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Your Comments: (show all 31 comments)

[B]Pac-Man Said:
*WAITING for 1000th post... hearing 1sec music loop*
[13.12.07 08:22 PM]

[]TheAbdBoy Said:
These are the sites you have access to:

[BTP] - [BlameThePixel]
[BTP] - [BlameThePixel]

[14.12.07 08:34 PM]

[]AkuTube Said:
Cool! Admin site!
[13.02.08 03:22 PM]

[]WormAssassin Said:
hi can u delete a link i sumbmitted? the new dpx clan site is gone so link wont work
[19.03.08 05:28 AM]

[]WormAssassin Said:
hi i need a link deleted again, can u delete the site titled" new dpx clan site", its no longer there, i sumbitted the new current site
[23.03.08 12:11 AM]

[B]Pac-Man Said:
dont comment here it will rape your soul
[21.08.08 12:03 PM]

[]larry Said:
heeeloooo... i want be in a clan :)
[29.08.08 11:27 AM]

[A]Anon Said:

Quoted :: Pac-Man

dont comment here it will rape your soul

[29.08.08 11:06 PM]

[ES]Pioneer322 Said:
comment here
[29.08.08 11:27 PM]

[]Unvalidated EmailWormager Said:
[26.03.09 07:51 PM]

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Xmas Greetings from waka waka waka waka []Unvalidated EmailChristmasRiddle MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! []Spleet Except for Spleet. []TheAbdBoy Always bummin' a brother out. []Spleet Happy New Year everyone! But Spleet. []TheAbdBoy

Word Association


-10 Ago-

MiddleEastern []AlphaWolf camel [S]Bloopy toe []TheAbdBoy moose knuckle [S]Bloopy MeatLoaf []Spleet IdDoAnything4Lo ve []AlphaWolf rub n tug []TheAbdBoy tugboat []The Pope rope [S]Bloopy race []TheAbdBoy


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