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[]The Pope
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Need some help to create a matrix sig. well read below to understand how to in Fireworks in particular but any program really.

If anything seems confusing (which it will, i rpomise you), then ask.

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22.10.03 16:16
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Butt Cheek
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ok.... next time i feel the urge to make a matrix worm i'll look at this. :roll: I understand it though u broke your promise! Pointless as it is, it's cool to see how u do it.

22.10.03 16:23
Post #2
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[]The Pope
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more matrix worms coming soon. agent smith is to be included

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22.10.03 16:30
Post #3
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bah more matrix worms. at least its not a matrix team *yawn*

ad a landing to ue avatar pope, and possible a take off.

btw i like the pope worm symbol in the corner, nice touch
22.10.03 16:32
Post #4
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[]The Pope
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mite do. ill see how long(easy) it is to make.

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22.10.03 16:34
Post #5
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also i would preferably vote fast up untill where the bullits level with thw rom where it should go slow. if ya know wot a mean ;)
22.10.03 16:45
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[]The Pope
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yeah i understand. ill take all this into account while im making the next one.

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22.10.03 16:57
Post #7
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:lol: lol me, i only just noticed the bullet, i thought it was just doing a flip xD
22.10.03 17:20
Post #8
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what is the poll all about?

22.10.03 17:38
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[]The Pope
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its random but still on topic. its just for fun, like the index.php page poll

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22.10.03 17:41
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

looks cool pope but lots of chenges need to be made, like a landing and takeoff maybe but still v cool:)

An image!
22.10.03 18:47
Post #11
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[]The Pope
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thats alrdy been said! read u idiot!

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22.10.03 18:54
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

i know but i wanted to agree with it you fool! change it before i get angry! p.s can i use an effect like that in one of my(future)sword in da stone episodes please?:?

An image!
22.10.03 18:56
Post #13
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[]The Pope
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yeah sure. use it as much as u like

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22.10.03 18:58
Post #14
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I dont know you you can actully use fireworks mx.. its so horrible... Either that i just cant use it.. lol.. it looks hard
23.10.03 15:43
Post #15
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