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[]The Pope
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my worm? there is a bullet. just a bit too dark too see at a quick glance. take a closer look

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02.11.03 16:04
Post #46
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it's not tweening, i drew a stickman with flash objects and moved it frame by frame to create some sprites (movie clips) then i put them together into a movie.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
02.11.03 17:25
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[]The Pope
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dont patronise me. i know what sprites are. I hate frame by frame movement for stickmen, its hard and sometimes amkes the man look unrealistic

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02.11.03 18:42
Post #48
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i meant, i make the sprite as flash movie clip symbols to use them in the flash movie, i do the same thing with worms sprites, turn them into flash movie clip symbols.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
02.11.03 20:39
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pope! having trouble making the transparent worms go behind the main worm in the layers!

any tips?

nvm. I just realised that all i needed to do was move the layer underneith. silly me.
14.01.04 11:53
Post #50
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[]The Pope
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Try selecting all of teh objects of the worm/stick/thing and press ctrl + G to group them and to ungroup them press ctrl + shift + G. Well found out by Squelchy!

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14.01.04 16:16
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That would prove very valuble.
14.01.04 16:35
Post #52
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they're all very good. But ya i agree with u zogger the jumping over the building seems too low. But still good nonetheless.
14.01.04 21:18
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Quoted :: The Pope

my worm? there is a bullet. just a bit too dark too see at a quick glance. take a closer look

so why don't you lighten up the background?
14.01.04 21:29
Post #54
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lol an easy solution to and easy problem.....but pope....he was talking about the worm you had walking across the screen...
17.01.04 16:58
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who? was talking about the worm you had walking across the screen?
17.01.04 17:09
Post #56
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[]The Pope
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:P:P:P to you ReadMe.

Just discovered how to create a matrix like effect without all the hard work!

An image!

Learn to look, look to learn.
17.01.04 17:26
Post #57
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i think i know how too
17.01.04 22:18
Post #58
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lemme guess, you used a 4 fame back onion skin effect or something? or did you use my flash way of doing it??

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
17.01.04 23:30
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Quoted :: igotworms

i think i know how too

17.01.04 23:34
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