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wow im so good at advertisign ;) i was like the first to get it here and now dumazz, u, meiapaul and more have it :)
28.08.03 17:24
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I thought about buying the Pub, but I wasn't gonna get my hopes up, I figured someone woulda bought it, and they has.
28.08.03 21:34
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well i was going to buy it at 3000 im almost there! only 1000 to go!
28.08.03 21:36
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The castle? If you get it can I stay if I let you stay in the pub for free?
28.08.03 21:54
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why live in the castle? i have my Maison C. Which is much better then that. Also i would probably need 3500 for that. Seeing as i'm trying to stay above everyone in money thats why i need 3000. so that i can buy the next house around 1000.
28.08.03 21:57
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Well the new Pub should be on BTP soon. It's been sent to ReadMe along with a new set of smilies which were cooked up in Fireworks.

Learn to look, look to learn.
29.08.03 09:01
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meh? penis
29.08.03 09:56
Post #52
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teh spam returns. /me votes create a spam forum
29.08.03 18:32
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Quoted :: CBWhiz
(Fixed for next week)
Erm... who won?
31.08.03 16:07
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I won! I won teh lottery! wewt!

31.08.03 17:13
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gratz, now go lose all your money on poker...

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
31.08.03 19:37
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I already lost my money Yesterday. Before i won the lotto money. Which is just lucky for me.

31.08.03 20:18
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01.09.03 01:16
Post #58
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Yes, he did win, and my coding was 100% perfect, except for a fucking comma :D

Fixed. In case anybody is curious:
"INSERT INTO lotterywinners
SET ticketno = '1',
user = 'TheAbdBoy',
`date` = '1062313200',
usertickets = '10',
usercash = '50',
totaltickets = '113',
ticketholders = '17',
moneywon = '595',
ticketbuydate = '20030824064722',"
01.09.03 01:27
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So it wasn't random?:( YOU EVIL BASTARD!:x You disapoint me.:cry: Naughty person:evil: you screwed up everything:twisted: (the point of tihs post was to put up weird smilies up)

01.09.03 03:21
Post #60
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