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I have put my cash towards the pub i was saving up for since the estate agents was built. All are welcome for £1 a month.
27.08.03 17:23
Post #31
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spaz no!

i really wanted the pub, man

i guess ill come and stay there if im welcome.
27.08.03 17:26
Post #32
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BAD SPAZ! that wasnt really your money
27.08.03 18:31
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27.08.03 19:03
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Of cours it was his money, check the stats, he won the first week thru luck, then bought 10 tickets giving him self an 8% chance of winning, thats a little under 1 in 13 so thats not bad.

If someone won the real lottery twice in a row it'd just be luck. And anyway, £600 isn't a lot of money so it's hardly a lotto, more like a prize draw.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
27.08.03 19:52
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its lots. And ya
27.08.03 22:45
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first 5 people to ask can stay in the pub.
28.08.03 14:29
Post #37
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for free?
28.08.03 16:42
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Meiapaul, howd you make that sig? (the film one) I assume you used PSP8

28.08.03 16:43
Post #39
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of course. took me a whole 10 seconds :D but ssssshh!
28.08.03 16:44
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did it? I think it took a little bit longer. Cuz of the transparent stuff

28.08.03 16:48
Post #41
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the what? i used the picture tube tool, selected film strip, drew it then added text, about 1 minute
28.08.03 16:49
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but how did you make it transparent?

28.08.03 16:52
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its automatically transparent. and i just pressed yes for any messages it popped at me :P
28.08.03 16:53
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28.08.03 16:55
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