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The Lottery is fucked up. Just so you know.
24.08.03 08:41
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who won this weeks draw?
24.08.03 11:57
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was it even drawn?

i looked and it just sed spaz as recent winners.

routine? howd u change the font in yer post?
24.08.03 12:51
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Unfortutitously, it was drawn.
Unfortutitously, a mysql error stopped it form adding the winning row. (Fixed for next week)

I can fudge the data again, I have a memory of who won and stuff, but If I dont, that money goes to waste :D

What do you think I should do?
24.08.03 15:13
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give the winner the money :D or me, whatever
24.08.03 16:24
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give me money to shut up. And ill be a good boy and put the last piece of my puzzle into place. Also its too much money to waste. And if u do waste it! OOOOO! Someones going to have a beating!
24.08.03 18:31
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well theres a bit of a problem indeed. Unless SPAZ posted 600 times from 3:00am to 12:00pm then he just won the lottery agian. Mind u even if it wasnt an error it shouldnt be allowed seeing as ppl cant win the lottery within 3 draws
24.08.03 19:11
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If the cops come, chuck your pc out the window.

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eeek, i think me and c1 should get the money split, for being the best :D
24.08.03 20:21
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Holy crap. He did win. I figured out a way to check, by using the PM that it sent to the winner:

"You have won the lottery of August 24, 2003!"
"Congradulations, SPAZ! You have been awarded the hefty sum of £665.00! I bet your face is beaming! Just to remind you, you now have a total of £1,129.53."
24.08.03 23:44
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hmm now who smart! me! lol. Anyways he loses the second one for sure! If he doesnt thats REALLY REALLY REALLY CHEAP! And i say either do a redraw or give it to me for finding the problem
25.08.03 02:12
Post #10
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and me for being beautiful xD
25.08.03 15:20
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lets split it meiapaul. Or...all the ppl that bought tickets just get a portion back or something like that...
25.08.03 19:03
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well if u do go down the route of splitting make sure its within ratio of how many tickets tehy bought too. I bought 10 as I have and always gonna do.

Learn to look, look to learn.
26.08.03 07:34
Post #13
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me and c1 all the way. me and hiim get 40% each and the pope gets 20% :D
26.08.03 17:04
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lol ya. Hmmm...What if we had a vote? As in we vote for the person who we think should win. And u cant vote for urself...
26.08.03 20:08
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