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Strange Send PM
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Sorry if this has been said before, and yes, me changing my sig did give the idea for me to say this. It's kind of unfair to have someone's sig blocked even though they have changed it. And I feel really stupid having to type "It's safe to unblock my sig." in my sig. Stupid indeed. Whenever someone changes there sig it should reset to zero blockers. If someone keeps changing there sig so people can't block it fast enough, well... There's always ways to deal with those kinds of people. It's kind of sickning seing art noobs become better at making stuff but there sigs have been blocked for like, a year. At this time I only have 9 blockers, but other people have 20, even though they have better images to show.
30.08.05 06:24 Post #1 | Last edited: 30.08.05 06:25 (Zippy - 2 times) |
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Sorry if this has been said before, and yes, me changing my sig did give the idea for me to say this. It's kind of unfair to have someone's sig blocked even though they have changed it. And I feel really stupid having to type "It's safe to unblock my sig." in my sig. Stupid indeed. Whenever someone changes there sig it should reset to zero blockers. If someone keeps changing there sig so people can't block it fast enough, well... There's always ways to deal with those kinds of people. It's kind of sickning seing art noobs become better at making stuff but there sigs have been blocked for like, a year. At this time I only have 9 blockers, but other people have 20, even though they have better images to show.
"Better images" eh? Not many people like the bright colors. Thanks for supporting me mr. Zippy
Edit: unhid your sig and I <3 it. I don't know what the point is though about the "Humans! My sig is now safe to be unblocked!", no one can see that  .
Maybe when someone hides a sig, we, the victims, can have a custom "hid sig" message  . Like: "49 gmail invites. PM me your email address if you want one."
30.08.05 07:12 Post #2 | Last edited: 30.08.05 07:15 (TheAbdBoy - 1 times) |
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Photoshopping Send PM
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Or a message saying "this sig has been changed since you hid it."

30.08.05 07:42 Post #3 | [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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I'd say the message is a better idea. I'd really not want to see all sigs i've hidden again, when the owners change a small bit once in a while but leave all of the eye-hurting parts...
(all colored fonts, bright backgrounds and HUGE sigs like *some* people have, are something most block on sight.)
Actually, even though my own sig has gone thru several "evolutions" from custom fonts and huge sigs for which it was blocked into one compact nameplate, i don't care about it at all.. The contents of your posts always matter more than any crap you put above, around or under them...
30.08.05 11:03 Post #4 | [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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See this is why I haven't blocked anyone's sigs. Some of them are nice to look at, if the person is artistic like Thnikk
In another words, I couldn't agree more Zippy.

30.08.05 12:31 Post #5 | [Hide Sig (10)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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Its useless trying to convince all the people who has hidden your sig to unhide it, there are people who hide even text sigs lol.
And the question is: Why to care about the people who hide your sig? They simply dont like your art,that shouldnt bother you since there are things that a person like and another doesnt.
Also, there are thousands of people who visits BTP, and even if 20 people hid your sig they would be a little part of them.
Just a opinion.
30.08.05 14:36 Post #6 | [Hide Sig (9)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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Well, I can't really say much about the disliking of the sigs.
But why you would wanna block my sig, which is only my Xfire profile, ArcBeetle
[Don't Answer That]

30.08.05 14:47 Post #7 | [Hide Sig (10)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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And why would anyone want to hide my sig  .
Nah, it's cool with me now, it was mainly to test me on my "skills" and for my enjoyment..
30.08.05 18:42 Post #8 | [Twitter] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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And why would anyone want to hide my sig  .
I think its the background over all
30.08.05 20:45 Post #9 | [Hide Sig (9)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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Unblock mine d00ds. Just a little text now. 'v'
Oh, and I fully agree.
30.08.05 22:48 Post #10 | [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Lazy, Busy, Fizzy, Crazy Send PM
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If sigs were un-hidden every time you changed it, people would just change their sig when someone blocked it.
A better idea would be to put a message where the sig normally is, that says something like " has changed their sig since you blocked it, click here to unblock".
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels? |
31.08.05 06:46 Post #11 | [Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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And maybe we can have an alternate sig, so people can view a diffrent sig if they didn't like the first one, or just hide both sigs FOREVER  BWHAHAHA!
31.08.05 07:31 Post #12 | [Twitter] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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Or we could remove the "Hide sig" option
31.08.05 14:34 Post #13 | [Hide Sig (9)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Statusless Send PM Posts: 2600
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Or we could remove the "Hide sig" option
Hmmm, nah.
Doing that would be like taking away the "Quick Quote" button / link.

31.08.05 14:40 Post #14 | [Hide Sig (10)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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With the difference that nobody cares when you use the Quick Quote link
31.08.05 14:50 Post #15 | [Hide Sig (9)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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