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Well, there is a few things that the hide sig feature is useful for.

1. Sigs you find offensive but still fall within the bounds of the forum rules.
2. Sigs that stretch the page (though, usually someone will handle this in one way or another).
3. Random Text Signatures.
31.08.05 15:28
Post #16
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and annoying presigs,
and centred text...

The sig changed message would be useful.. two new db columns and a check in every post. I might bother to do this when I move it to a different server (same host) after in the next few days

You know I'm a dancing machine
31.08.05 15:35
Post #17
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Centered text? Does this mean people who have hidden my sig see my writing alligned left, not center?


31.08.05 16:08
Post #18
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Yes. Hiding the sig also remove the background
31.08.05 16:15
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Centered text = annoying. I hate it, but I haven't bothered to do anything about it.

Sometimes I don't hide sigs, I use adblock so I won't see them ever again :)

31.08.05 18:20
Post #20
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I think I made a suggestion to fix people's problems with formatting in the chat a few months ago. Set up everyone with the basic frame for the formatting HTML (divs and whatnot). Each person would have their own ID parameter (such as GlennPost, TheAbdBoyPost, etc). Put some fields in the edit profile for this section, so they can put in whatever they wish (we don't want to lose this framework), and then its used just like pre/post sigs are used now. Then, people can just edit out anything they don't like (such as centered text) with their custom CSS if they so choose, or they could even edit things in if the person doesn't put anything in the boxes.
31.08.05 21:55
Post #21
Last edited: 31.08.05 21:55 (Glenn - 1 times) [Youtube] [Hide Sig (12)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Glenn

I think I made a suggestion to fix people's problems with formatting in the chat a few months ago. Set up everyone with the basic frame for the formatting HTML (divs and whatnot). Each person would have their own ID parameter (such as GlennPost, TheAbdBoyPost, etc). Put some fields in the edit profile for this section, so they can put in whatever they wish (we don't want to lose this framework), and then its used just like pre/post sigs are used now. Then, people can just edit out anything they don't like (such as centered text) with their custom CSS if they so choose, or they could even edit things in if the person doesn't put anything in the boxes.

Because some people are actually going to bother to do that, right Glenn? (I'm not talking about the admins making it, I'm talking about the users using it :))

31.08.05 23:36
Post #22
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Golly, I feel really bad about my text sigs that I change every day now. Good thing ArcBeetle made me a nice graphic one:D

To be honest, I really couldn't understand what Glenn was saying, but I think the message idea is good.

For as Bloopy said on the previous page, EvilWeevil's sig has indeed changed since you last saw it. Feel free to unhide it all who have hidden it!
01.09.05 00:22
Post #23
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Text sigs aren't the problem, it's the RANDOM text sigs that this site can make that's the problem. It causes a lot of slowdown, especially for people like me on slow connections.

Quoted :: Abd
Because some people are actually going to bother to do that, right Glenn?

I would, but then again, I'm crazy that way.
01.09.05 02:44
Post #24
Last edited: 01.09.05 02:48 (Glenn - 1 times) [Youtube] [Hide Sig (12)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: EvilWeevil

For as Bloopy said on the previous page

Never, ever forget that on a dynamic website what you see is not necessarily what other people see.

Because of my profile options, this thread is currently only 1 page long and there is no previous page.


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
01.09.05 06:00
Post #25
[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I'm very sorry Bloopy. I wasn't thinking. Let me rephrase that:

For as Bloopy said before, blah blah blah...

Again, I apologise.
01.09.05 10:35
Post #26
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Quoted :: EvilWeevil
Feel free to unhide it all who have hidden it!

Only 2 people hid your sig EvilWeevil... :P
01.09.05 14:32
Post #27
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There's no need to be sorry EvilWeevil, I just wanted to tell you since I get tired of people referring to things that aren't exactly there. :D


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
01.09.05 21:05
Post #28
[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: ArcBeetle

I have had a good idea!

Why not to make a option for see how many sig a person had, that way if a person who hid many sigs hide yours that doesnt mean anything, but if a person who hides only a few sigs has hide yours you should think in improve your sig

Did anyone understand that?
01.09.05 21:39
Post #29
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Nope, nothing.

Talk sense for once Arc!


02.09.05 00:57
Post #30
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