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Without mentioning the fact that it takes ages to load for the people in 56k
10.09.05 21:17
Post #46
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It's not too bad as long as everything else on the page has been cached.
11.09.05 03:00
Post #47
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Thanks Atomic, but what do I type in my profile to make it appear?
11.09.05 07:28
Post #48
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Did it for ya

but just incase its regular old bulletin board code, [ img]url[/ img]

edit: who keeps rating my posts down? :S
11.09.05 07:31
Post #49
Last edited: 13.09.05 07:03 (Pioneer322 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

but just incase its regular old bulletin board code, [ img]url[/ img]

But remember avoid the first space (Yes I have known people that didn't know that you must do that :roll:)

11.09.05 14:33
Post #50
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Hmm, it still isn't working, and I don't know why. What's wrong?
12.09.05 05:17
Post #51
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I see it perfectly, if you use FireFox, check that the "Load images only from original site" option is unchecked
12.09.05 14:24
Post #52
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I don't use FireFox.
13.09.05 06:56
Post #53
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Then your browser must be bugged or something because all of us see it perfectly
13.09.05 13:56
Post #54
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Quoted :: EvilWeevil

I don't use FireFox.

Well, you should. Now go get it! Clicky!


13.09.05 13:57
Post #55
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Unless you want to get lots of trojans, do what Runt says :P
13.09.05 13:59
Post #56
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I now have a thinner sig... Made to go the width of my little blue table here.

Glenn, you're sig is big, but nobody notices or anything, cause they read it and think "Hehehe..."



14.09.05 00:29
Post #57
Last edited: 14.09.05 00:33 (Atomic52 - 2 times) [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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That, and since it's black and white it takes almost no time to load. For example, in data terms, it's less than half the size of your sig.

Now that I think about it, it's about time for a change of sig. I'll have to wait for a good Foxtrot to come along, unless Boondocks is any good this week...
14.09.05 00:57
Post #58
Last edited: 14.09.05 00:59 (Glenn - 1 times) [Youtube] [Hide Sig (12)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Glenn

I'll have to wait for a good Foxtrot to come along, unless Boondocks is any good this week...

Why not try VGCats? Thats quite funny.


14.09.05 04:59
Post #59
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Quoted :: Atomic52

Glenn, you're sig is big, but nobody notices or anything, cause they read it and think "Hehehe..."

I noticed it believe me(Otherwise I wouldn't have hid it ;))
14.09.05 14:06
Post #60
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