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Exactly what I did.

spaaaaa |
28.03.05 14:39 Post #16 | [Hide Sig (3)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Photoshopping Send PM
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Hey, I've just finished my new PixelVille II house after realising bloopy wrote a tutorial on it  its my first peice of pixel art (well I hope it's pixel art...) and I just wanna know what you think, do the colours look crap? I'm pretty sure they were a bad choice... Is it actually pixel art? Tell me!
Its here
EDIT: Ok I fixed the colours, I think the black has a nice effect but I kept the red with it, I think it looks quite cool, it took me ages to do the flames and ice, did it all by hand with a size 2 brush, changing colours repeatedly.

05.05.05 06:58 Post #17 | Last edited: 05.05.05 14:28 (Atomic52 - 10 times) |
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Heh, very nice (i like the car), but the colros are a tad random.
05.05.05 11:29 Post #18 | [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Photoshopping Send PM
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Ill change them, upload it again and then hopefully someone will fix the BG to become transparent.
Its here

05.05.05 11:53 Post #19 | Last edited: 05.05.05 12:43 (Atomic52 - 1 times) |
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Absent Send PM Posts: 2820
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the colours are a tad crazy and the car isnt quite in perpective - but thats just nitpicking.
It's actually really good - although you done have to use up the whole square for the house.
Cant be arsed to remake my sig. |
05.05.05 17:21 Post #20 | [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote] |
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The colours are a bit random as Readme said. It's alright. It's nice to see a few new houses.
The car looks fine I's only a little bit off looking
05.05.05 19:55 Post #21 | [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Statusless Send PM Posts: 791
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Awesome! With the new changes it's nearly perfect...or at least ten times better than whatever I could draw
06.05.05 21:08 Post #22 | [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Photoshopping Send PM
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Better than anything you could draw?!?! Man I WORSHIP your avatar!

07.05.05 00:17 Post #23 | [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Absent Send PM Posts: 2820
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heh, pixel art is a tricky skill to pick up - i mustve redrawn that temple hundreds of times before i got it looking right.
Cant be arsed to remake my sig. |
07.05.05 10:44 Post #24 | [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Photoshopping Send PM
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I dunno, once you get the hang of it, i did this just by sight, (like with the straight line drawer). I reckon animation is much harder.
Im gonna put it on pixville for the clan i'm in but im having trouble with transparency.

07.05.05 11:38 Post #25 | Last edited: 07.05.05 11:39 (Atomic52 - 2 times) |
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Not bad. If you are still having trouble with transparency, send it to me by email.
My email is theletterc(@)
07.05.05 18:18 Post #26 | [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote] |
Photoshopping Send PM
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Ok, cool, thanks, I'll see if I can do it but if i can't I'll probably send it off to you.
LATE EDIT: This is a must see!

08.05.05 04:12 Post #27 | Last edited: 17.06.05 11:42 (Atomic52 - 2 times) |
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