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An image!

I used the template in APS 6.0. Screw me. :P

An image!

12.01.05 00:13
Post #1
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The sides of walls look odd.
Not really good.
12.01.05 00:48
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I love the glow effect on the walls.
Really good.

12.01.05 01:01
Post #3
Last edited: 12.01.05 01:02 (joetheeskimo5 - 2 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Heh, then I fix that. Maybe I'll do it over.

An image!

12.01.05 02:12
Post #4
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[G]the candy man
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i like the glow.... but like knifa said....the sides dont look straight
12.01.05 16:07
Post #5
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One day, I'll get around to building RunT's Cardboard Box for Pixville


12.01.05 19:49
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I don't like it at all except for the ice walls. The glow will turn out horribly in IE (which I don't use) and the lines on the walls do look messed up. Not to mention, it doesn't even look like pixel art.
12.01.05 20:56
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My eyes! My eyes! The horrible, bent walls! The not quite diagonal lines! The cheap linear fill and the complete lack of detail!

Learn to look, look to learn.
13.01.05 18:25
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I have for j00, RunT's Cardboard box before I buy a spot on Pixville.
I want you guys to see my house / box first.
An image!

What you think?


13.01.05 19:15
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[G]the candy man
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lol.... thats great

apart from its completely out of scale....

13.01.05 20:02
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It's a cardboard box, and my first shot at drawing 3D.
What do you expect?


13.01.05 20:27
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Hey Megalomaniac
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A flaming oil barrel right next to his easily flammable home? I question the intelligence of that.


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
13.01.05 20:58
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Ice Pack's house is as bad as worst than psymon's.
RunT, your "house" doesn't use pixel art either. Don't just take off anti-alisis, and say "tada". Actually go pixel by pixel and make it nice, beautiful pixel art.
13.01.05 22:13
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Hrm. I did it better, methinks. It's at PixVille II, and it's a WIP. Suggestions needed.

An image!

15.01.05 15:39
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Runt, that's not pixel art. You have read the pixel art thread, right?
If you read the tutorials shown in the thread, you'll understand what you've done wrong.

17.01.05 20:27
Post #15
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