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Will post on internet 4 attention
Lord Faggington III

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Ha! Ha! God is being killed!

Forum Stats
Posts Made: 87
Posts Per Day (since first): 0.01
Posts Per Week: 0.09
Predicted Days 'till Blueness: 74897
Threads posted: 7
Spam Rating: 0% (%age of spammy posts since spam count implemented)
Overall post rating: 0
Money: £103.18
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Rating Stats
Average excuse rating: 1.08
Average caption rating: 3
Average sig rating: 0
Average file rating (by author): 0
Average overall rating: 2.04

Other Stuff
Signup Date: Wednesday, January 12th, 2005 - 12:13:24 AM
Hits: 2229
Words Associated: 271
Last active: 7683546 minutes ago (that's 5335.796 days)
Last Location: The Index Page
User Startpage: View StartPage (plain)

Sigs: (toggle)


An image!


People who have hidden []IcePacks's sig (3 total):
[]The Pope

Last 5 Forum Posts:

Saturday, March 14th, 2009 - 08:32:23 PM
In thread: Super Mario Bros, 2 scandal
On forum: BlameTheGeneralOffTopic
I can only cringe in fear of the blinding revelation that will come when he denounces that the original Zelda did not exist....
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Monday, February 23rd, 2009 - 02:58:07 AM
In thread: MERGED: SouthX's thread to get this thread 1000 posts
On forum: BlameTheGeneralOffTopic
Oh, that's perfectly normal. ...
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Friday, February 20th, 2009 - 12:54:58 AM
In thread: MERGED: SouthX's thread to get this thread 1000 posts
On forum: BlameTheGeneralOffTopic

Quoted :: TheAbdBoy
But what if I kill the thread?
You'll be overwhelmed with guilt....
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Wednesday, February 18th, 2009 - 10:24:45 PM
In thread: MERGED: SouthX's thread to get this thread 1000 posts
On forum: BlameTheGeneralOffTopic
You're slacking. Get those 1,000 posts, and do not do anything else until you do....
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Sunday, January 25th, 2009 - 06:35:29 PM
In thread: MERGED: SouthX's thread to get this thread 1000 posts
On forum: BlameTheGeneralOffTopic
African Americans are denizens of Africa America, which, according to legend, is somewhere near Detroit. Never liked Detroit. It's a shithole. Don't know how they live there....
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Last 5 page comments

Delay breathing so you suffocate and die. Then you spare yourself the trouble of a 4000th post.
17.11.09 11:14 PM
On page: /index.php

I don't know how to use photoshop anymore. I'm going to go put a bullet in my brain.
26.06.09 07:26 PM
On page: /shoutadd.php

Mine is freakin' down.
26.06.09 07:24 PM
On page: /index.php

How are you not white/red then?
18.02.09 10:26 PM
On page: /index.php

10.01.09 02:10 AM
On page: /addword.php

This user's comments: (show all 16 comments)

[]SouthX Said:
[01.11.08 08:21 PM]

[]IcePacks Said:
fuck you dude im unhappy
[04.11.08 08:15 PM]

[]SouthX Said:
[04.11.08 11:21 PM]

[]IcePacks Said:
all rite then lets make love hard
[07.11.08 12:05 AM]

[]SouthX Said:
It's okay, really.
[07.11.08 12:13 AM]

[]IcePacks Said:
stop posting comments on my page or i shall take this to the streets
[07.11.08 01:32 AM]

[]SouthX Said:
Oh, shit. Did I just do that?
[08.11.08 07:20 PM]

[]TheAbdBoy Said:
Just a castaway, island lost at seeeeeeeeeeeeeea.
[12.11.08 04:21 AM]

[]IcePacks Said:
1) Yes, vengeance will be mine

2) Stop that.

[16.11.08 09:30 PM]

[]IcePacks Said:
Oh hey, cool, my profile doesn't have a giant <i>thing</i> on it.
[09.01.09 10:31 PM]

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Xmas Greetings from waka waka waka waka []Unvalidated EmailChristmasRiddle MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! []Spleet Except for Spleet. []TheAbdBoy Always bummin' a brother out. []Spleet Happy New Year everyone! But Spleet. []TheAbdBoy

Word Association


-10 Ago-

MiddleEastern []AlphaWolf camel [S]Bloopy toe []TheAbdBoy moose knuckle [S]Bloopy MeatLoaf []Spleet IdDoAnything4Lo ve []AlphaWolf rub n tug []TheAbdBoy tugboat []The Pope rope [S]Bloopy race []TheAbdBoy


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