
BTForumOther StuffBlameTheSuggestionsThe Custom torsos Gotta Go!

Poll: Do you think the Custom torsos should be on this site?
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I hope your happy that i just lost 200 pounds because i accidentally clicked on one of those stupid options while trying to click on "Go"...they have no point...there blinding
(some of them)...And there confusing everyone making it somtimes look like someone is banned when there not. Get Rid of them.
26.10.04 01:47
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Heh, yeah the custom torsos are pretty stupid. Once the first person gets them, then everybody wants 'em. There's other obvious reasons to get rid of them other than ppl losing money on them bcuz they accidently clicked them. BTP just lost conformity once they were put up for grabs. It would make me pretty happy for them stupid things to be taken off...

26.10.04 01:54
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Its there own fault for amazingly managing to click on a torso, not knowing it and clicking Go.
Besides, we need more stuffz0rz to USE the money.

Yes to colored torsos!
26.10.04 02:10
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Um, why not just move the options up the page away from the Go button and just be done with it. There's basically a snowball's chance in hell that the new options will be done away with.
26.10.04 02:12
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I like the coustom torsos but they cost a bomb!


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

26.10.04 13:00
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I don't like them. I'd rather see them removed. The custom torsos take a bit of the fun of being blue away.
26.10.04 14:20
Post #6
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i guess the torso options could be put in a spoiler, or just move it away from the "go!" button, like glenn said

Quoted :: Dingbats

I don't like them. I'd rather see them removed. The custom torsos take a bit of the fun of being blue away.

ahh, but this shirt(and badge ;)) is free! :D

26.10.04 14:45
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True, and it is a nice feature that uses money, so it must be kept. The problem thing may be the setup price, a bit high imo, but well... i don't use custom torsos.
I think you can blame yourself if you click accidentally on something, but that's not a valid reason to remove this option.


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26.10.04 15:11
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If some people don't like custom torso's coz of being, well, custom then an idea would be an option to hide custom torsos and only display the default torsos


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26.10.04 15:20
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At least i have chicken!
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Nice idea i like that a lot, that would please everyone!


Clarkey252 Xfire Miniprofile

26.10.04 15:20
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Yeah, I like that idea! :) I would definately use it.
26.10.04 15:29
Post #11
[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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like a toggle button?
26.10.04 17:36
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Yeah, a bit like the hide sig option but for the torso's


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26.10.04 17:40
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it would make more sence in making it hide all custom torsos(ex cludeing wish's +C1's methinks)
not, hide individual torsos...

26.10.04 17:42
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Yes, indeed. Or maybe both. But I guess the admins are too lazy for that (I would be).
26.10.04 18:09
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