
BTForum » Other Stuff » BlameTheSuggestions » The Custom torsos Gotta Go!

Poll: Do you think the Custom torsos should be on this site?
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basiclly, you'll get a custom torso in 5 years of posting every 5 seconds. :)
17.11.04 00:38
Post #46
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

you need another number in there ;) I think that's probly £0, or just NaN. e+29 is the same as *10^29, if it was 1e+29 then it would be 1*10^29 = 1 with 29 0s.

Am I the only one who's confused about that here? :?


17.11.04 03:38
Post #47
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Well, I just explained it in a post right after that, so it shouldn't be that confusing. If you don't understand it though, don't worry. If you don't understand it, and you actually need it for something (programming, math, physics), then we might have a problem.

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17.11.04 14:10
Post #48
Last edited: 17.11.04 14:11 (Glenn - 1 times) [Youtube] [Hide Sig (12)] [Profile] [Quote]
[G]the candy man
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im taking my GCSE's this year and i understand it now that Glenn has explained it :p
17.11.04 16:06
Post #49
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I'm still confused but doesn't matter cause I don't need it :P
Already done my GCSE's me, and failed


18.11.04 00:30
Post #50
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