
BTForum » Other Stuff » BlameTheSuggestions » The Custom torsos Gotta Go!

Poll: Do you think the Custom torsos should be on this site?
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Quoted :: Pilki-AKA-Gollum

If some people don't like custom torso's coz of being, well, custom then an idea would be an option to hide custom torsos and only display the default torsos

This is the good solution, well done.


Artwork by the wishmaster.

26.10.04 18:10
Post #16
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omfg...cant you tell that i didnt want a custom torso...if i did i would have it right now. I just want my damn money back!....and yes they should be in a spoiler
26.10.04 20:40
Post #17
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Admins, never there when you want to tell them something lol


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

26.10.04 21:02
Post #18
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I like custom torsos, but if people accidentally click them (which I don't see how), perhaps move the options up or make a confirm option.
26.10.04 21:15
Post #19
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so basically, you want to be paid £200 for you own incompetance? that wouldnt even fly in an american court. :roll:

Custom torsos are going nowhere, if you wanna hide them talk to tH about user stylesheets.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
27.10.04 00:09
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hehe jokes on you...i already talked to someone to clear the problem. Zogger gave me my money back and its all been settled. At least he was being a nice guy. thx Zog
27.10.04 00:29
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

pfft, i dont see why he should have been sympathetic :x

SOLUTION: just dont do it in future, simple as that

An image!
27.10.04 09:19
Post #22
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The following code, which I'm using at the moment, makes all ulink style the same and removes the ability to customize your own ulink.
/* BTP indviduality alert */
a.btpulink img
display: none;
a.btpulink span
background: url( no-repeat;
padding-left: 10px;
font-weight: normal !important;
font-style: normal !important;
display: none;
Put it in your Firefox/Mozilla userContent file. If you don't know what that is, install ChromEdit and use that to edit it. I personally don't like custom torsos. But I don't object to their existance since I can't see them, and other people clearly enjoy them.
27.10.04 13:29
Post #23
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I also think custom torso's should be free aswell.

BTW, I voted yes


15.11.04 02:35
Post #24
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Quoted :: C1

I like custom torsos, but if people accidentally click them (which I don't see how), perhaps move the options up or make a confirm option.

I somehow seemed to have pulled that move off myself :/ Don't ask me how. A bit hasty on the clicking. Bah, the money's just lying around anyway ;)


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
15.11.04 02:38
Post #25
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no one touches my wings! <3
15.11.04 08:19
Post #26
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[G]the candy man
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thats different though.
Becuse avererage scum like me cant buy those sechs torsos.....but if everyone had them it would just looks Stupid
15.11.04 09:27
Post #27
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Just make that "hide custom torsos" option. Or remove the custom torsos. I just want them away!
15.11.04 12:34
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Quoted :: xEViLxCAtx

Just make that "hide custom torsos" option. Or remove the custom torsos. I just want them away!

A "hide custom torsos" button would be better than taking them away completely. Some people may still want them to be there.
15.11.04 14:21
Post #29
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I reckon that the custom torso's are super awsomized, so thats why I voted for them to stay. 'corse i'm sad that I don't have one, but I don't care that much. :)

An image!
15.11.04 16:33
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