
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Other Wormy Games » Another Worms Game Ideas?

Poll: Next worms game should be?
Another 3D one ? 2 users
Bring back 2D ! 24 users
Other ( kart racing, etc.) 0 users
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I've just relised something...

Quoted :: Runt

so it probably will be the 4.0 patch next.

Well, looks like I was wrong. Anyways..

That makes sense, they'll probably have seperate servers for real-time and turn-based.
The host will create as desired, and it will atuomagically correct itself for all clients who join.


15.04.05 20:06
Post #31
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I doubt they'll add it to WA though =\ It's too different from the original game that Deadcode most likely won't add it.

Hopefully he does though :)
17.04.05 16:33
Post #32
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I doubt it would be added to W:A, as it would require a complete code overhaul.

Though, I'm planning on trying to crack the W:A code over the summer, to make it compatible with Linux (without the no-CD crack). But, I'll probably fail, stupid private function algorithms...
17.04.05 22:17
Post #33
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I always wanted a scheme option that allows us to choose between 2D and 3D
04.12.05 01:14
Post #34
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Quoted :: JT673

I always wanted a scheme option that allows us to choose between 2D and 3D

Well mate, you 2 hopes. Bob hope, and NO hope :P

P.S. Should this thread be locked after this, since last post before jt673 was back in April?

Edit: Just relised I answered my own question, I can lock this myself.

Locked [unless unlocked by admin-ness]

Edit 2: Can't lock own thread *runs away in terror*


04.12.05 03:05
Post #35
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