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Poll: Next worms game should be?
Another 3D one ? 2 users
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I'd say 3d.

'Cause, for 2d, we have Deadcode. I doubt that there are many actually useful ideas to improve the 2d worms gameplay, after W:A 4.0.

For kart and racing... well, for kart and racing we have kart and racing brands, why waste the Worms brand..?

And, for 3d, where Team17 really needs to improve, there's a need for a new game.
For a game that brings more fun, doesn't have so many bugs, and doesn't have ground made from that ugly and huge cubes...

05.01.05 20:48
Post #16
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I think W4 will be quite interesting, especially if they fix all the bugs.

I may be wrong in guessing that T17 is adding a 2d bonus game with W4. I can't remember where i heard that from but when i do i shall let 'yall know...


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20.01.05 21:49
Post #17
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no, I don't think they're making a 2D bonus game. Afaik that was just a rumour on either the T17 forum or another site announcing W4.

Spadge did, however, mention something that should satisfy 2D fans coming at a later date, but he didn't say what. So perhaps there will be another 2D game. Or maybe it's just the 4.0 patch...

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21.01.05 13:31
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As far as making something that isn't Worms, it's up to the publisher. Two major concepts were shot down by publishers last year. One was AB2k4. The other was a concept that evidentally can't be let out but did exist (as is evidenced by M3ntal). Hopefully, with the Codemasters partnership, they will be able to release more variety of games other than the Worms series (at least on consoles, handhelds are a different story entirely).

That said, I'd like either a 2d or a 3d game, just as long as the concept is executed well. That is, after the release of W4. But who knows? Maybe W4 will exceed everyone's expectations, and it'll become the new standard instead of W:A...

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21.01.05 14:33
Post #19
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Quoted :: ZoGgEr!

So perhaps there will be another 2D game. Or maybe it's just the 4.0 patch...

I agree, alot of patches have been released for W:A, so it probably will be the 4.0 patch next.

Plus, I doubt T17 will want to work on another game just yet, not straight after making W4. They might want a break for a while.


21.01.05 17:04
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I think if they're making another 2D game they'll already have started it. Like they started W4 about the time W3D was released, whilst also working on WFUS. (or it will just take longer than that)

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21.01.05 17:15
Post #21
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Is this the end for Worms in 2D? There was strong talk of 3D designs for the next generation of Worms titles being submitted earlier this year – what's the story?
It is the end! In-terms of boxed gaming products WWP looks like it will be the last title, but that seems so final to say. What I can say is that Worms as we know it in 2D has no plans going forward in-terms of boxed gaming products on existing platforms.
We will however be taking the 2D game we all know forward onto new media platforms such as Wireless and iDTV. We also have plans to grow our online gaming side of Worms in the future.
Worms in 3D: designs have been going on for years internally and it's something we firmly believed wasn't possible on the platforms at the time, as we needed to ensure the gameplay took a leap forward as well as the technology. The conclusion was that we just didn't see the point of developing a game in 3D that was substandard to the 2D version in-terms of gameplay. We'd be cheating our fans and ourselves.
With the technology that's now available on next gen platforms we are confident that the game we want to do can be done. Worms 3D is in development but at this stage it's too soon to discuss the release, content and platforms.

I think WWP is last worms 2d game... :(:(:(
14.04.05 09:30
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Actually, Team17 has said something 2d will be coming down the pipe in the future. Whether this is a new console Worms or something else entirely (maybe handhelds, maybe a different game) is unknown at this time.
14.04.05 13:18
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Quoted :: Glenn

Actually, Team17 has said something 2d will be coming down the pipe in the future. Whether this is a new console Worms or something else entirely (maybe handhelds, maybe a different game) is unknown at this time.

A non-turn based game hopefully :D
14.04.05 15:35
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Quoted :: C1

A non-turn based game hopefully :D

Man, i think turn-based games add strategy dont u think so?
14.04.05 15:36
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Quoted :: ArcBeetle

Quoted :: C1

A non-turn based game hopefully :D

Man, i think turn-based games add strategy dont u think so?

Yeah, but turn-based has been done already. I want to see a creative all out battle :P
14.04.05 15:39
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Which has been done to death with Liero.

Not to say I wouldn't like it, just pointing out the obvious.
14.04.05 20:42
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Quoted :: Glenn

Which has been done to death with Liero.

Not to say I wouldn't like it, just pointing out the obvious.

I liked Liero. The graphics just sucked to death =\
It would be better if you could have an option to choose turn-based or non-turn based.
15.04.05 15:57
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Quoted :: C1

It would be better if you could have an option to choose turn-based or non-turn based.

Wouldn't that just makes things complicated for online play?


15.04.05 16:34
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Not really. All it would be was another bit switch in the coding. It shouldn't be too hard to tell the difference between the two (one will have turn time, the other won't :P).
Also, assuming the game would have online capabilities, you'd probably have a data flag when you go online that will tell which game you want to play (turn-based, real-time, or no preference), and it will then put those games at the top of the list.
15.04.05 19:58
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