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Poll: Next worms game should be?
Another 3D one ? 2 users
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Ok, I kinda didn't know where to put this thread exactlly so I put it here.

What do you think should be the next type of Worms game Team17 should do next? :?

I personally vote another 2D one like W:A and WWP. They were the best and people play those online more than W3D. But this is just my opinion.

What's yours? :?


07.10.04 22:50
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Gotta be 2D. That way even people with crap computers can play a great game. Also there is more of a strategic feel with 2D. With W3D I was more thinking about aiming than strategy


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08.10.04 09:39
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Same here, i think 2D is very nice, and roping in 3D, well... People like roping, a lot of games use it and this is really 2D stuff.
In addition, yes it rusn on almost al comps without eating too much cpu/gfx power, and the graphics are sweet, and W:A's high resolution feature helped.

But if i had something to say to t17 if they want something new to the gfx engine, it would be to use a 2d-3d hybrid engine, like un Duke Nukem Manhattan project (platform game).

The engine used 3D effects, but the Z coordinates were only used to zoom, i mean it was exactly like a 2D game but using 3D directX sprites, which was nice looking and managed to have a modern look and the advantages of 2D games. A 3D engine that used almost only X-Y coordinates.

Some effects like explosions would be bettered using this system, without betraying IMO, the game. And the sounds need to be bettered, (i find the rope's "wheeeet-boing wheeeet-boing pretty annoying). But map making would be a real pain, so 2D has its very good points, everything in W:A & WWP is tweakable...


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08.10.04 09:47
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I would've voted for two dimensional, but how could they improve on what they already have? and if they did, they could scrap the idea to combine wwp and wa in a patch since there'd be a newer, better one... if there was, i mean.
08.10.04 10:37
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Quoted :: routine_error

I would've voted for two dimensional, but how could they improve on what they already have? and if they did, they could scrap the idea to combine wwp and wa in a patch since there'd be a newer, better one... if there was, i mean.

You are right, it would be difficult to improve it, unlike Worms3D's engine, IMHO of player (i gave it a try but didn't like it). Now everything new uses 3D, apart from some rare strategy games. People associate 2d games and "old things", most of them think that without 3D, games are not good looking and/or fun.
Marketing did a great job making us think 3D graphics are almost something obligatory. : /


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08.10.04 11:09
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In my opinion I would go for a game for its gameplay, not by its graphics.


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08.10.04 11:20
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we're not specifically talking about graphics, we're talking about dimensions. graphics are obviously not what makes a game. well, at the same time, graphics are all that makes a game. also, there's a difference between decent graphics and bad graphics. bad graphics can cause bad gameplay.
08.10.04 11:28
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yeah. In this case current Worms games have had good graphics in 2d. I doubt they can do much else with the graphics except better graphics fx i.e explosions etc


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08.10.04 11:45
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Quoted :: Falkra

But if i had something to say to t17 if they want something new to the gfx engine, it would be to use a 2d-3d hybrid engine, like un Duke Nukem Manhattan project (platform game).

That sounds like a good idea. A 3D game, but on a 2D platform. It would certaintly make gameplay alot better.
I'd buy it if it was like that. Well, I'd buy it anyway cause it's a worms game :lol:


08.10.04 13:25
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Platform was the type of game DNMP was, in fact, they used a 3D engine to render a game that could have been 2D.


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08.10.04 18:32
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A worms game that looks kinda like the starcraft graphics would be cool too tho. It's kinda 2d/3d ish.
08.10.04 19:18
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Yeah. The very word "Starcraft" makes me think of "cool," all those days I spent getting pink-eye from rarely blinking at the screen ^^ (BTW, my screen name is UltraPeepi although I usually go on by request)

Anyway, I think they could still have 2d graphics and still kill a bit of memory. Real time elements, awesome shading, a *huge* weapon roster, tons and tons of languages/facial expressions, maybe even different skins and stuff (8-bit, slugs, something like that). And something I've wanted to be in a Worms game for a while, create-a-worm! We could make ourselves a good little BTP team :)


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10.10.04 20:46
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And perhaps different factions of that team.

I like the idea of worm customisation. Mind you having too much weapons can sometimes make it too easy. The classic BnG is still on the go with minimal weapons, also proper.

A proper online BTP clan wud b great!


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11.10.04 14:05
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Well, the 2D Game style should come back.
It is pretty good.

The 3D version sux. Where is the good old Worms style there?
02.01.05 12:50
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3D is "interesting". I wouldn't say it's better than 2d, but it's still fun. I played the demo at my friends. The bazooka sucks though =/ . It's waaaay too sensitive.
02.01.05 18:54
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