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Aha, two questions. Well, you like giving long answers to give a better Stupidness to question ratio, and you keep fscking up because your in glenns shirt......With him.

Why am i so distracted by SPAZ's Sig?

13.08.04 18:08
Post #106
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Because it slows down my computer. :(

Why is this the only active thread on this board?
13.08.04 19:01
Post #107
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Because people like stupid answers, and because your answers suck in the funiness department, because of a parallel universe that, wait, I already used that one.

So then, Why do Sonicrazy's answers suck so much?
13.08.04 19:05
Post #108
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He must be in your shirt, with SPAZ and you.

Have a break, have a kitkat?

13.08.04 19:07
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nO BECAUSE YOU SUCK :'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'( YOU KEEP ANSWERING QUICKER.

Why do i now hate you (all)?
13.08.04 19:10
Post #110
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Well, you hate me because I've put you in Glenns shirt. You hate glenn because your in his shirt, which has some crappy design on it, and you hate Sonic crazy because he smells.


13.08.04 19:11
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fsck you and your pineapple.



Oh I'm sorry i dint ask a question did i?
13.08.04 19:12
Post #112
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Im afraid you did...

Why do kamikaze pilots wear helmets?

13.08.04 23:59
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The visor has an inbuilt tv so they can watch their fav programs while flying :D

How do Televisions work?
14.08.04 03:11
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You see, there's this little guy in the TV that turns these switches and...

How is .hack// the best and worst game at the same time?
14.08.04 16:24
Post #115
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Well, It sucks because it's .Hack:// Any game/anime where you have to say dot, has to be crap....the good part, it using it as a frisby.

Why can't I see?

14.08.04 16:27
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Because you made a wish that you wished i was blind and it went on you!

What's so good about night time?
14.08.04 17:50
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The best shows (Trigun, Detective Conan, .Hack//dusk, Cowboy Bebop, etc) are only on at night.

Is there anything good about daytime?
14.08.04 20:36
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yes, looking forward to night-time :P

Will you play a game with me?
14.08.04 23:33
Post #119
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Not online within the last half an hour Because I own you at worms, Burnout, ut2k4, MoH, Jedi knight and any Half-life mod.

Burnout3:Takedown or Timesplitters:Future Perfect? Which has the better sub-title?

15.08.04 12:06
Post #120
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