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I mean that I'm mean for the hell of it.

If a tree falls in a forest, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
04.08.04 19:01
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If no one hears a sound-less tree, then there will be no sound. But if the tree was installed with a nice sound system, yeah, it'll make a sound.

How do you mean?

05.08.04 05:15
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The same way I do?

Did anyone understand that?

05.08.04 08:36
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Well I actually think it depends on the fact that the opinion is the same as the big penis. No I overstand.

What is the answer to penis?
05.08.04 14:29
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Am I walking with the dinosaurs?

05.08.04 17:22
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No, the dinosaurs are walking on you.

If an airplane is hurteling toward the ground, and you jump out at the last possible moment, will you survive the crash?
05.08.04 20:41
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Only if you adopt stance three-alpha as if you were being thrown at a horde of monsters with your sword perpendicular from the ground. If not, then you're screwed.

Did I see you do a barrel roll?

06.08.04 03:37
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Nope, You saw a person projectile throw-up

I never thought you would find I did it, i so scared that you'll leave so I hid that. Now, I can't find, will ya help me look?

06.08.04 10:56
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Yes but only if you take upon yourself the task to become a Rank S Fumarholaguumaar leprachaun.

Buy me new scanner?
06.08.04 13:15
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Short answer, No. long answer, Noooooooooo

You'll find me in the matine, the dark of the matine, but wheres the exit gone to?

06.08.04 14:20
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If all else fails, just take your trusty rocket launcher and blow a hole through the friggen walls (better yet, through the screen).

Will AbdBoy ever ask Shelly out (it's STILL in the today's task on the main page)?
06.08.04 19:43
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It depends if cookie crumbles. If it does, then I yeah.

Why am I listening to this?

06.08.04 23:12
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Because penis is in control.

Is sixth sence scary? I already know.
06.08.04 23:20
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If being able to tell the future is scary, then yes.

Why is life so depressing?

06.08.04 23:27
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Because (once again) penis is in control. Also, 2% of penis is infected with virgin disease.

Who put the "pee" in penis?
07.08.04 01:06
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