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Pee-Wee Herman

Why the hell do you say penis all the time?
07.08.04 16:53
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Because,.,., pe ask ABD BOY

WTF did ABD Boy do?
07.08.04 17:46
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Buy a removable penis.

Why is {##{UL1}##} the coolest guy in my oppinion?

08.08.04 18:20
Post #48
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Because I'm just so... cool and stuff... and because I have the mousepad of Largo's cool thing.

Why did the Lone Ranger have a partner?
09.08.04 02:40
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To fuck

Who invented the sword?

09.08.04 03:15
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Fighter, and he also invented the sword-chucks.

Who invented Black Magic?
09.08.04 14:25
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Strong Sad.

why has UL1 been disabled?

09.08.04 19:31
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It's all {##{UL1}##}'s fault.

Why is the sky blue?

09.08.04 19:36
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Becuase it'd look silly if it was pink.

What is the square root if negative 4?
09.08.04 20:03
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Add all your stats together (presuming you have stats) and devide by negative 4. Easy pie!


10.08.04 04:03
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Dictionary you a need for grammar better.

Pete and Repeat were sitting on a fence. Pete fell off. Who was left?
10.08.04 15:57
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Pete, because if j00 repeat then there'd only be Repeat left to fall off. He'd eventually implode due to atomic mass engufling him during deep hypnogogic sleep state.

Is cell made up of atom, but why?
10.08.04 16:02
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Everything is made up of atoms, but cell is coming to take over the planet, along with his cell jrs., which are made up of atoms.

Why are stick figure sigs so dammed awesome?
10.08.04 16:12
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Because if you use them, you won't have to worry about copyright. :P

Which is better: Super Nintendo or Genesis?
10.08.04 18:34
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SUPER NINTENdo. Genesis is old and is in the old testament.

Describe Jesus for me?
10.08.04 19:57
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