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Poll: Who is your favorite BTP Radio DJ?
ReadMe 2 users
The Pope 7 users
knifa 1 users
SPAZ 2 users
HarrY 2 users
DoctaShade 2 users
routine_error 7 users
ZoGgEr! 0 users
Abstain 1 votes
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I say routine_error

29.04.04 22:03
Post #1
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Yeah, i agree. It would have to be routine_error. He's hilarious. And he has good taste in music. And he sounds like the dude from you don't know jack.
29.04.04 22:18
Post #2
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I say routine_error, but SPAZ was good too :D;)!
29.04.04 22:29
Post #3
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SPAZ has good taste but the music kept on breaking up, it lagged lots and he was making scary sounds.
29.04.04 22:33
Post #4
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LOL, scarey sounds was him talking..

Also.. it lagged badly.
29.04.04 22:35
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Hmm yeah sorry about that :/ It was probably because I was downloading a few songs at the time... and I was uploading some things to my ftp server aswell.
29.04.04 22:49
Post #6
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i like when R_E and RME are together. pretty funny sh!t
29.04.04 23:38
Post #7
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You can have two on at the same time?
30.04.04 00:41
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I'll have to say routine_error, simply because he's the only dj I've seen on the station.
Anyway, stupid question time, is it suppossed to continuously buffer the song, or is it suppossed to load all at once?
30.04.04 00:44
Post #9
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I don't know why people think that was ReadMe with me when I was DJing earlier today, but it wasn't. It was my friend deadlight, at the same computer. deadlight doesn't have a british accent afaik.

I've only had a problem with buffering when SPAZ was DJing. Not sure what the answer is Glenn.
30.04.04 03:42
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His crappy connection.
30.04.04 03:43
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r_e or The Pope. Only when The Pope was on I kept hearing the MSN Messenger sound effect over the radio.:o
30.04.04 06:13
Post #12
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When does this radio go out? Im never online to hear it!
30.04.04 09:24
Post #13
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I'ld say Knifa or Pope.

The radio goes out about 6-7PM

30.04.04 10:16
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heh, I haven't heard r_e yet, so I dunno. Someone should record these things, that way we could upload some of em ;).

You know I'm a dancing machine
30.04.04 13:40
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