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Poll: Who is your favorite BTP Radio DJ?
ReadMe 2 users
The Pope 7 users
knifa 1 users
SPAZ 2 users
HarrY 2 users
DoctaShade 2 users
routine_error 7 users
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well its prolly cause hes never on then..
08.05.04 19:41
Post #76
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Quoted :: MrrLL

i think its because your the newest member out of all of them and people dont really know you?

He's an older member than you are MrrLL
09.05.04 04:21
Post #77
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read it carefully, its out of them as in the DJ's :P
09.05.04 06:41
Post #78
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I don't see how that makes a difference. I'd say it's becuz he was either not heard, was unable to speak (I'm sure he has a funny accent) or only because he's been on once.
10.05.04 14:06
Post #79
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docta has never spoken, not that i know of, but i hear that he has got his mic working:D

10.05.04 15:03
Post #80
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I think SPAZ is pretty good DJ too.

10.05.04 15:19
Post #81
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Quoted :: SPAZ

I don't see how that makes a difference. I'd say it's becuz he was either not heard, was unable to speak (I'm sure he has a funny accent) or only because he's been on once.

It's usually about music. Tho, during the time my mic was working, people liked me. I was singing my banana song too even :lol:
10.05.04 20:12
Post #82
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nana man, lol:lol: nana killer more like:P

10.05.04 21:36
Post #83
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Well next time im on, and ur online, i'll make sure to sing it lol.
10.05.04 23:08
Post #84
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Learn to look, look to learn.
11.05.04 08:29
Post #85
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[G]dragon freak
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none of them can beat pope. he just talks about random crap and its generally funny. GO POPE!:D
11.05.04 11:36
Post #86
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once he was talking about sandwiches....

11.05.04 14:46
Post #87
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But it is an age old subconcious question...

Do other people, when using a new loaf of sliced bread, take the top slice or go under that when making a sandwich or toast?

Learn to look, look to learn.
11.05.04 15:02
Post #88
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I take the bread from underneath the top slice.

11.05.04 15:48
Post #89
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nice of topic:lol: go amke a thread:P

11.05.04 16:34
Post #90
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