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Poll: Who is your favorite BTP Radio DJ?
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Heavy Metal Rules!
::Bangs Head to Slayer::
21.05.04 16:26
Post #151
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listen 2 some real heavy metal, like korn, nine inch nails, SOAD, rage agaisnt the machine and of corse, slipkont;)

21.05.04 17:18
Post #152
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I used to like Metallica and Nirvana, but they got somewhat "old"
21.05.04 21:18
Post #153
Last edited: 21.05.04 21:19 (MrrLL - 1 times) [Hide Sig (5)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Nirvana will never get old to me, I just think it's too classic to get old. Metallica though I never liked, so it's already old. Nirvana set down a sound that's influenced most all bands since, I don't think Metallica was anything revolutionary, besides, Kurt Cobain killed himself rather than be seen as a sellout.
21.05.04 22:44
Post #154
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All im interested is some of the newer songs on MTV and rap n rock..
21.05.04 23:05
Post #155
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Some rap now is just plain stupid man!

22.05.04 05:50
Post #156
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some of it is, some of it isnt.. they just run out of lyrics and words, so they just mumble N****(*) F***** and crap..
22.05.04 05:54
Post #157
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Quoted :: MrrLL

some of it isnt

err, all rap is crap, all they do is find a swear word and find another word that rhymes with rap and crap:D

22.05.04 09:11
Post #158
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Docta_Shade

Edit: And by the way it wasnt techno it was hardcore!

Oh? Next time i'll have to listen again. I may have mixed u up with sum1 else or sumthing. Just DJ during 3pm eastern time. I should be on. Tho we still have to wait for the radio to go back up. Anyone know what's wrong with it?
22.05.04 15:27
Post #159
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i talked 2 knifa, he said the account was.........DELETED!

he will talk 2 the owner, steve no new info 2 day:(

22.05.04 16:03
Post #160
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Delete :O Damn. Hopefully it comes back up. That was sum really fun times.
22.05.04 16:05
Post #161
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I never heard Pope nor ZoGgEr DJ ever!

22.05.04 16:47
Post #162
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well I've only done it two or three times. The third time my average listener count was... 0

You know I'm a dancing machine
22.05.04 17:54
Post #163
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i heard zog!
u were good:)
played music that i liked:) at least i think so.....

22.05.04 19:14
Post #164
[Wormopoly!] [Hide Sig (13)] [Profile] [Quote]
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what times are you on zog and whats your time zone?
22.05.04 22:12
Post #165
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