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This is the challenge,

you have to make me a Wishmaster worm. Anyone can enter and feel free to animate, after a while i shall put a poll on the thread to see the winner. Winner gets gloating rights.

Pope i know you made a worm to represent me in your comics so maybe you wanna do another one or animate it.
09.10.03 18:09
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[]The Pope
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yeah i will. i guess u want us to do this without any input from u but if u can input info into this, cape or not?

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09.10.03 18:36
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completely up to you
09.10.03 18:59
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[]The Pope
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Ok, well I have made something, gonna make mroe if ur not happy!

URL is:

Learn to look, look to learn.
09.10.03 19:08
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very good!

now all we need is more competititors!
09.10.03 19:19
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[]The Pope
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i shall have to make more to secure my winning place.

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09.10.03 19:19
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

yeah i might have a go, i'll try me new lightning effects,you know what i meen pope. but yeah i probably wont beet pope cos hes too good really:twisted:

An image!
09.10.03 19:53
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well plz try. ! anyone who can draw should try!
09.10.03 20:16
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[]The Pope
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stop sucking up b4 i get accused of making 2 accounts and praising myself. Ur good, I just need to look at ur avatar to remind me of that. Also, get a move on with ur extra long animation.

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09.10.03 20:17
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oh yeah my xtra long animation! that slipped my mind!
09.10.03 21:00
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

yeah well when i can be bothered i will but not at the mo though:mrgreen:

An image!
10.10.03 16:07
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[]The Pope
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heh, both of u are making long animations. I killed two birds with one stone...

Learn to look, look to learn.
10.10.03 16:16
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

meh i'll get round to it soon maybe, you've seen how long the first bit was and i cant think of a good continue bit but what the hey i'll have a go anyway:mrgreen:

An image!
10.10.03 20:14
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[]The Pope
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why dont u ask for suggestions?

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10.10.03 21:16
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if u r gonna make an extra long animation, how about having it as flash with a preloader, some of these small animated gifs are getting to be almost 40k!

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
10.10.03 23:48
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