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[]The Pope
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a kinda vaporsier gun. or what eva u want it to be. it hasnt got a label on it... Also glad everyone likes it.

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23.10.03 16:41
Post #61
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

did u make it pope? how do you do the thing where he kinda fries? fuck thats good8)

An image!
23.10.03 20:08
Post #62
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[]The Pope
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lol. use the blur tool. its under a list where the water droplet lies and I did make the gun.

Learn to look, look to learn.
23.10.03 20:37
Post #63
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the gun was pitched to pope by me, i asked for a super mega urty weapon of impending doom and pain, or something. Its freeking awsome
24.10.03 08:25
Post #64
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[]The Pope
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thanx. i also got the CD back today. I'll send the installation folder to u through msn.

what's ur Internet connection speed?

Learn to look, look to learn.
24.10.03 14:24
Post #65
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i love dat gun on wistaz sig still da big-a-bigga-gun :D
02.11.03 15:26
Post #66
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Butt Cheek
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this is getting REALLY annoying i keep seeing stars and i go to the thread to find that its only fuzzball posting random stuff! STOP IT!

edit: further browsing of the art forums makes me change my mind to shouting, "SHUT UP SNIPPER!" please every1 there has to be away to stop this.

02.11.03 21:13
Post #67
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