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[]The Pope
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preloader? would u be as so kind as to tell me what it is. My guess would be tho is that its a 100% bar thingy...

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11.10.03 06:51
Post #16
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u have one flash movie that just has a button that says play, if u click it then it loads up the data from another movie which contains your actual animation, that way u dont have to load it unless u wanna see it.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
11.10.03 21:37
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[]The Pope
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o rite, maybe CB should have that on his sig.

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12.10.03 10:02
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Was thinking of it, but im too lazy :)

Not too many 56kers, and once they dl the image, they dont have to re-dl it each time...
12.10.03 14:28
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actually not when u scroll it still lags. Oh and congrats. Most sig hiddings so far cb...and less then 2 days..:lol:
12.10.03 22:03
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Everyone is just lucky I didnt make a recording of the movie I have that shows somebody beating EVERY MARIO LEVEL... Dont tempt me!

If I'm really evil, I could even make my sig unhidable, or post a billion copies of it on every BTP page! MUAH HA HA HA HA...

And it doesnt lag when I scroll, and I only have a 833mhz processor...
13.10.03 01:10
Post #21
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i think intel (pentium) is better when it comes to that kind of stuff. i notice a bit more lag on my athlon when i scroll over text that has background-rollover effects more than on a pentium.
13.10.03 01:38
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scroll lag tends to depend on the browser. IE tends to be quite bad

You know I'm a dancing machine
13.10.03 16:36
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[]The Pope
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mozilla seems to handle the sig pretty well. Also, am i the only one who hasnt hidden it?

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13.10.03 17:05
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I havent hidden it :)
Yes, with mozilla fbird there is no more scrolling lag then I experiance on text files.
13.10.03 22:40
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Butt Cheek
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LOL i hit play on all 3 presigs on this page and it sounds SWEET.

14.10.03 02:12
Post #26
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hey pope! can u make me a smaller avatar for the team17 forum? with that wishmaster worm with hat and wand? if u can just have him blink or wave his wand that would be great, if it will take 2 long dont bother tho

ta in advane m8
18.10.03 16:02
Post #27
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[]The Pope
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how about i make him blink and wave his wand?

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18.10.03 16:23
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go right ahead!
18.10.03 16:24
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[]The Pope
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also, get on msn! i will send u the fanfare.

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18.10.03 16:25
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