
BTForum » BlameTheOffTopic Forums » BlameTheGeneralOffTopic » DJ CANANDA has a small word about aliens and space craft!

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[G]dj canada
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Belive in Aliens or not.... but something needs to be cleared up!

Considering my fav' forum website has been down.. then up... and down again... for the longest time,.. this is the only place I can consult on such issues.


UFO means unidentifyed flying object....

Now... Here is the kicker...

no one expresses if they say it is a UFO ora ALIEN UFO...


UFO..... something odd in the skies that has not been seen in regularity to the comman man...

ALIEN UFO.... something BEYONED the extrordinary... someone that act way out the extream that not even man or hidden government top secret experiments cannot explain....

or, for an even more in depth analyis.. UFO (b), something odd, wierd.... flying, floating, or streaking across the sky that actully COULD be a natural phenomion.... consindering logic..


I like to everyone from calling all of these UFO's altogether...

Let us call them:::
UFOs: Common unidentifyed flying object. Could be anything known to man or not... but either way, """IT MADE YOU'R DAY"""
UFOs(A):Extreamly odd unidenifable flying object. Possibly not of this earth.
UFO(N): A weird flying object, yet, only from speculation, could be considered something natural or not...
UFO(bleh): "Dude, I saw something in the sky that was messed up... what the hell.... omg you saw it too?" <--- something along thoes lines...

If we can start to use such definitions, mabey we start to havecou an better understanding of more of what people are claiming to (or HAVE SEEN) in the skies...

POEPLE say UFO they automaticly think E.T.....

man forget that....

The 2 UFOs I have seen in my life, but stood still in the sky for a long period of time then disapered..... they did not make amazing manuvers... So I can rule many possiblitys from that... if we can somehow Define what the U F O in more detail, just from the word itself, mabey we could unlock just a tiny bit more from what the truth is.

When you read stories, or hear them... they all say UFO, and explain it best they can.... if we can split up the word UFO, mabey we could be able to make more sense of it all....

SELF DESTRUCT IN...... 3... 2....

15.07.05 08:38
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Of course, you are right that UFO does not nesseccarily (SP?) mean alien saucers and such-like. But, ppl DON'T always think that it does.

When ppl say UFO, the reason they are inclined to think about extraterrestrials is because UFO's have become somewhat comerrcialized. There are tones of films with alien spaceships and strange objects in the sky, which turn out to be aliens monitoring us or whatever.

Then there is the possibility (some would say a large one) that intelligent life really does exist out there in space. Aliens are usually thought of having technology way in advance in our own. Again this is boosted by films, and sometimes scientists. In this way they are seen as having spaceships for roaming the galaxy or exploring our planet.

Then there are hoaxes. No doubt many UFO sightings are simply that: a hoax. The ppl who set these things up can do very good jobs, and that might be what we see in the sky a lot. When you really think you're seeing a UFO, of course word spreads, and adds to the belief of such things, blah blah blah.

Combine all this, and it's really not suprising.

And when ppl DO see a UFO, a lot of the time they realise it for what it is: a mysterious object in the air, but nothing more, and certainly not alien.

To be completely honest, I'm not really sure what I've actually put here, so I'll leave it at that. I don't know if this all makes sense, and I'm writing this late at night, so it might need some refining.

15.07.05 11:05
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You made perfect sense.
However, if there are aliens out there, I doubt they'll ever be coming here in our lifetimes. They'd have to go speeds that most life form's bodies couldn't handle to get here.
15.07.05 15:04
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Reading that gave me an absolute headache, but you're right. Not that I actively use the term UFO anyway (I'm more like, hey, wtf is that!?).
15.07.05 15:46
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If a UFO from a distant future on Earth appears then you could say that any beings on it will be alien to us but not extraterrestrials. :)

I strongly believe aliens have visited Earth, however I'm very skeptical about the possibility of time travel. ;)


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
15.07.05 16:35
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I dont think that aliens exist, because in fact
we have investigated a lot in the space and still havent found anything.

But we never know what can happen... ;)
15.07.05 16:41
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Arc: Roswell, New Mexico and the where abouts of Area 51. They found stuff and keep it from everyone, bastards.

I beleive we aren't alone in the universe, it's a certain time they must be waiting for before they make contact with us.


15.07.05 16:47
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Time travel may be possible, depending on how you look at the structure of the timeline.

As for UFOs in America....The government used to work on so many war machine projects unknown to the press, that you can never tell whether the strange levitating object is a being from another universe, or a prototype of a new type of aircraft. If looking from this point of view, the mystery of how come most UFOs are seen in regions with millitary bases becomes clearer...
15.07.05 17:01
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Quoted :: XxSpIDerxX

Time travel may be possible, depending on how you look at the structure of the timeline.

I would say time has one fixed path backwards, and an infinte number of paths forward.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
16.07.05 01:40
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Forgot to mention this in my last post but...

Welcome DJ Canada! Long time no see mate I read above so not going to ask whats up?)


16.07.05 02:59
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Quoted :: ReadMe

Quoted :: XxSpIDerxX

Time travel may be possible, depending on how you look at the structure of the timeline.

I would say time has one fixed path backwards, and an infinte number of paths forward.

I would say time doesn't exist.


it makes some sense though.

And I somewhat doubt aliens are in the vicinity of here, but they've got to exist. To say that they don't exist because we haven't found any yet is just silly. We haven't even directly seen a planet outside of our own solar system, how could we posssibly know if anything lives on the planets we know exist?

You know I'm a dancing machine
16.07.05 09:27
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If people exist on Earth, then the chances are there are going to be other life forms in space, which we have yet to explore. I'm not even sure space ever ends, could just go on, and on...
16.07.05 10:20
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Statusless? Maybe
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)


I dont think that aliens exist, because in fact
we have investigated a lot in the space and still havent found anything.

But we never know what can happen... ;)

We have not investigated 0.0000000000000001% of the space, so anything can happen:)

I agree with Bloopy, they have probably visited us and pobably still visitng us:mrgreen:
16.07.05 17:55
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Quoted :: VisioN

If people exist on Earth, then the chances are there are going to be other life forms in space, which we have yet to explore. I'm not even sure space ever ends, could just go on, and on...

Technically, space is continuously expanding. However, it will eventually stop expanding and contract...therefore creating another big boom and starting the universe all over again. Don't worry though, by the time that happens, Earth would already be destroyed by us..or by our sun burning out.
16.07.05 19:49
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Quoted :: C1

If people exist on Earth, then the chances are there are going to be other life forms in space, which we have yet to explore. I'm not even sure space ever ends, could just go on, and on...

You are so optimist .... :D
But even if the Universe didnt expand we wouldnt never investigated it completely
16.07.05 21:20
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