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This is fucking buull shit. I DONT OWN A DVD PLAYER.

well except for my PS2. But this is friggan Bull shit. Why should I have to buy a DVD player for my PC when Im more then sure LAME 17 could have fit all the data onto a regular CD.

Now I know that theres a release for PS2 also, but that doesn't go to point. There is no reason that a game cant be placed on a regular CD, or even 2.. (SimCity 4 uses two CD's for the install) Well why cant T17?

I''ll tell you why, becaus there a bunch of drunken bastards that want to use the highest possable technology too seem like they have a clue. I meany DC has been patching their fuck-ups for who knows how long now. W3D sucked royal dick, and not there really fucking people. Im sure there are other forum users here that do not own a DVD Drive for their PC that can relate. Its not that we can't play it.. its that its an unnessecary expense. DVD-ROM's ALWAYS cost more.. at least in my area...

This is BULL SHIT.

NOTE: I understand why games like comand and conquer are on DVD's... they have DVD quality video, Its kinda nessicary.
22.01.05 10:52
Post #1
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Buy one and quit bitching, they are cheap.
If they cost too much were you live, buy it from teh interweb!
22.01.05 11:20
Post #2
Last edited: 22.01.05 11:21 (Knifa - 1 times) [Hide Sig (11)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Thing is, Americans dont like this, which is why hl2 etc was on 5 cd's.

Weve had so many games on DVD now.

I in fact HATE using multiple discs. The technology is there, why neglect it? DVD's are the way forward. Cheaper to produce than multiple CD's. And no fancy big boxes needed either.

Why dont we use TAPES instead?
22.01.05 11:24
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Whoah there Jay! I prefer punch-hole cards.

But keeper, a DVD drive can be bought online for around £20 (Roughly $37).

Learn to look, look to learn.
22.01.05 12:19
Post #4
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DVD Drive from There are cheaper drives available, that one has a picture though. My work has punch hole cards to clock in/out, they are so fun :)
22.01.05 12:47
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I prefer DVDs.

Either way though, i'm just going to make an image, so i guess it doesnt matter too much for me :)
22.01.05 13:38
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[G]the candy man
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hmmm.... i got my DVD rom for £5.....

cheap eh?
22.01.05 14:03
Post #7
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i bearly scaped the money togeather to buy food.. i injured my knee and im out of work.. when i accually have work theese days. (Im a carneter.. theres a foot of snow out side)

I dont have that kinda money.

[content removed]

and Jay.. i do still use tapes.
22.01.05 16:54
Post #8
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I'd say deal with it. It's not economically feasable for Team17 to output a game on two or more CDs right now. Really, it's not feasable for any company but there are still some that do it.

Also, I wouldn't jump to conclusions about W4. Just because you didn't like W3D doesn't mean everyone else feels the same way about that game. And you certainly shouldn't condemn a game that hasn't even been reviewed or released yet.
22.01.05 19:26
Post #9
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Im condeming the medai formatt, not the game.

Acording to the reviws i read, it will be much better.. this is still an argument of principle

No one cares about the little guy anymore. People like me that strugele for little things in life.. like a new game.

I animate now, because i enjoy the result of making the move. Im entertained by the content. And for me that the best thing I can do, as I can afford anything else.
22.01.05 19:29
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download it. Problem solved
22.01.05 19:35
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Quoted :: Jay

download it. Problem solved

Preferably from TryMedia and not some *ahem* "questionable" site.
22.01.05 19:36
Post #12
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Quoted :: Glenn

Preferably from TryMedia and not some *ahem* "questionable" site.

Gogogo Torrents.
22.01.05 19:39
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Quoted :: Meiapaul

Quoted :: Glenn

Preferably from TryMedia and not some *ahem* "questionable" site.

Gogogo Torrents.

I'll just assume you were joking about that. But, something to that effect needs to be said.

Team17 deserves our support, expecially if you ever want to see something besides Worms coming out from them in the near future. So...
Also, Spadge has hinted at a possible new 2d Worms if W4 goes well.
22.01.05 20:54
Post #14
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my copy of W:A isn't legal.. its never been legal, ive never owned a legal Worms game.. except a demo of W2.

Not because i didn't want to pay for it.. but becuse no one in my area sells it anymore. I dont have a nack account so buying onlline is out too. So I boot legged it. But I imagine when W$ comes out for PS2, I'll pick it up.. after the prices dropes to like 20 bucks.

22.01.05 21:03
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