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i loved that trick on W:united hehe

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
29.09.03 17:40
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u mean on liero? nope. I love when ur just shoot ur way down and do like a kamazazi with the gun right until u kill the dude. Maddening. But the rope is crazy too...seems as fun as worms but it needs the dropping option
29.09.03 20:30
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u fancy giving a link for it?

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
29.09.03 20:55
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for liero? just go to ne search engine. but when I download it there are not all the files in the file folder that there is supposed to be. <- that sound retarded neway... does anyone know how to make it work 4 xp i heard that that was the problem.

29.09.03 21:26
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from what ive read liero's 'homepage' is in the usenet, so finding a web site will likely have a fun, alibit outdataed copy.
29.09.03 21:39
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ya liero didnt work on my xp so i only play it at ma m8s house
29.09.03 21:41
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*sigh* u think they would have made a copy 4 xp by now...

30.09.03 02:26
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i can tell uze how to get it 2 work on xp!
mines is,

can i get sound tho?
30.09.03 18:07
Post #23
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wow then why didn't you post how? lol so how do u do it?

30.09.03 18:27
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u go get this version

lero for xp !

it has a new frontend higher resolution and loadsa greatness all working on xp!

hurrah! thank u Wish, no autographs love yes i love you to!
30.09.03 19:32
Post #25
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hurrah! thank u Wish, can i have your autograph? i love u...

30.09.03 20:10
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i know, but credit to headstrongrocker for the extreme version, he found it.

i can however get the original on xp.

so i still rule
01.10.03 18:49
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Why would u ever want to?
also i have freinds (non- wormers) who r obsessed with liero and im sure they could tell me how.

01.10.03 20:43
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u open the properties and add /n to the command line. And then its fixed.
02.10.03 08:49
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yes, maybe no,
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HUM VERY INTERESTING:mrgreen:;):roll::evil:8):?8O:x:P:cry::lol::o:oops::(:):D

19.10.03 11:50
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