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what kinda fourem thung is this. what does it mean?:?

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"Everbody was doing it, i just wanted to be popular."
28.09.03 16:16
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Its for games before W:A, so that includes W2, W!, Worms United, etc.
28.09.03 16:27
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this isnt made by t17 but its called lyro and its a non-turn based game like worms with worms.
28.09.03 17:52
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You know I'm a dancing machine
28.09.03 19:12
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o i get it now

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"Everbody was doing it, i just wanted to be popular."
28.09.03 19:18
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o so zogger u've played it!
28.09.03 19:32
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yeh can't say it'a a very good game.

You know I'm a dancing machine
28.09.03 19:54
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i only played/have wwp wa and w2

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"Everbody was doing it, i just wanted to be popular."
28.09.03 20:03
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i snapped my worms united disk :( damn thing
28.09.03 20:04
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i have w united and w2 discs around sumwhere, no W:A disc tho

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
28.09.03 21:06
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ya it isnt really. i played it at my friends house who introduced me to worms. It has bad graphics and the weapons are mad! But i wouldnt say its a horrible game
28.09.03 21:17
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i havnt even been able to try liero does ne1 no how to make it wrk on xp?

28.09.03 22:16
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liero rox0rz j00

Fun game, especially with the rope.
29.09.03 01:03
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Quoted :: CBWhiz

liero rox0rz j00

sorry but i dont speak computer.
they should make a dictionary that translates smart computer people language to normal stupid people lange.

29.09.03 03:27
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that would be linked to on the left lol, man anyone try pressing F1 and space with minigun selected, heh heh heh talk about crazy
29.09.03 08:03
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