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Butt Cheek
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look, randomly drawn scribbles:

An image!

29.10.03 03:50
Post #91
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[]The Pope
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Send it into the Tate Modern, they'll pay loads of money. The fools!

The Tate Modern, for anyone not knowing what it is, is an art gallery with modern art in. much of this so called modern art is absolute shit. Not literally, fortunetly.)

Learn to look, look to learn.
29.10.03 09:35
Post #92
Last edited: 29.10.03 09:36 (The Pope - 1 times) [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote]
Butt Cheek
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well i dont know what "Tate" is but i have been to modern galleries and they are terrible. People scribble on a canvas and say its deep and everyone else is like hmm yes, that is deep. reminds me of The epororers new clothes.

29.10.03 14:07
Post #93
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the reason i say 'not literally, forutnetly' is because i heard on the news there was a guy who sold a piece of paper with dried shit on it smeared over it for 345,000 pounds. It wasnt even famous shit.

Learn to look, look to learn.
29.10.03 14:59
Post #94
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lol@that :) hoped he wiped it properly :D
29.10.03 15:56
Post #95
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im going to mount a burnt out slightly cracked lightbulb in a goldfish bowl on a brick with barbed wire around it.

Its titled "Is God DEad?"

i think that should pay for a car or something good at least ;)
29.10.03 20:51
Post #96
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[]The Pope
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definetly. modern art is good sometimes, but a sausage stuck onto a crucifix means nothing to me at atll.

Learn to look, look to learn.
30.10.03 09:25
Post #97
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Butt Cheek
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what on earth means somthing to you at an exhibit like that?

02.11.03 00:48
Post #98
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[]The Pope
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it means they think they can represent jesus with a sausage and get away with it

Learn to look, look to learn.
02.11.03 09:15
Post #99
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look it's my eye:
An image!
shoot just realized i had double posted so i deleted 1 it said:

ReadMe, how do u do the play buttons in flash? can i animate in fireworks and then do that junk in flash?

08.11.03 20:30
Post #100
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09.11.03 00:19
Post #101
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play buttons are just action script, i have a preloader scene that displays loading until frame has loaded and then displays the button to begin playback, and another scene at the end that has a button to return to beginning.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
09.11.03 22:33
Post #102
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Quoted :: ReadMe

play buttons are just action script, i have a preloader scene that displays loading until frame has loaded and then displays the button to begin playback, and another scene at the end that has a button to return to beginning.

ya well the problem is that i dont even know what action script is. i dont even know what to open. do i open a "new flash document?"

10.11.03 01:42
Post #103
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do u have flash mx?
11.11.03 00:33
Post #104
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yes. duh. but i have no idea how to use it so i might as well not

11.11.03 01:52
Post #105
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