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Poll: Whats yer favorite genre of musick?
Punk 5 users
Rap 2 users
Techno 2 users
Pop punk ( Nofx, GC) 0 users
Oldies rock 3 users
Trance ( there ya go) 0 users
Classical 0 users
"Epitath Era" ( Nofx, Pennywise, New Bad Religion 1 users
Reggae 0 users
Metal/Industrial 0 users
Abstain 0 votes
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yea squirl whatever....By industrial metal I mean Slpknot, jah dolt. Theres actually a pretty decent relation between the two...and again...If it's enjoyed by the populous, it's pop. I dont even consider NOFX punk. I mean, listen to Flipper, and they sound just as cutsey as GC, or "nu punk" as you so refer to it. I dont fuck up everything I post about...yer just a lil too fucked up to now what I'm talkin bout. peace ;)
01.09.03 20:04
Post #16
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w/e i really dont under stand wtf ur talking about fiend so get out of my face
01.09.03 20:53
Post #17
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You still don't have 'Hard Rock'. You don't even have 'Rock'. I ain't votin for 'Oldies Rock', but 'Metal/Industrial' is the closest thing you got so far.
01.09.03 22:13
Post #18
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sum 41 was in the rock catagory for the mtv. and those ppl are music experts. id rather take that then fiends enturpretation
02.09.03 00:23
Post #19
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First off, C1 I dont know what yer talkin bout. I was referin to squirls comments. Second, if noe of the catagorys aply to you,, DONT VOTE! Your spendin more energy complaining about my botched list o catagorys than you'd be if you just said, "eh, nothin here for me" Consider that mabe, jsut mabe, I'm not trying to get an entire musical consensus, just a limeted and gneral view of if people like certains kinds o music. Thank you.
02.09.03 00:57
Post #20
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Quoted :: C1

sum 41 was in the rock catagory for the mtv. and those ppl are music experts. id rather take that then fiends enturpretation

are u joking?
02.09.03 18:32
Post #21
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it would seem he almost had to be using sarcasm. or maybe he gets a different MTV than the rest of us.
02.09.03 20:45
Post #22
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I supose so
03.09.03 02:43
Post #23
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i know the choosingness is shit. But im saying its better then fiends. Anyones better then fiends. even that drunking german high bum from the bus stop :S 8O
03.09.03 02:49
Post #24
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quite. 'cept that drunken german high bum may be one of the best sources.
03.09.03 03:12
Post #25
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like, owch man...owch.
04.09.03 02:54
Post #26
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