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Poll: Whats yer favorite genre of musick?
Punk 5 users
Rap 2 users
Techno 2 users
Pop punk ( Nofx, GC) 0 users
Oldies rock 3 users
Trance ( there ya go) 0 users
Classical 0 users
"Epitath Era" ( Nofx, Pennywise, New Bad Religion 1 users
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Ok, so I'm playing a roper, and were playing on a warmer map ( just because) and this "pro" keeps fuggin up. He sez, "this is too easy...I always mess up on ez maps"

EH? If you keep fuckig up on a map cause you cant rope on it, desnt that make the map hard? Whats up with that?;)
29.08.03 23:03
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ya that is messed.
29.08.03 23:06
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wat he said

29.08.03 23:06
Post #3
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what kind of crap poll is this? you didn't list any good music!

oh, and on topic, it probably just means he was screwing up at the time, or he's not 'pro'.
30.08.03 00:22
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Nofx is punk not pop punk.
30.08.03 00:24
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no, nofx is DEFINETLY pop punk...try finding a Crucafix cd at Hot, try finding a NOFX cd at Hot Topic...which ones available in a mall? ;)
30.08.03 01:48
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nofx are commercial, but they arent pop punk, blink 182 sum 41 gd charlottte etc are pop punk.
30.08.03 09:51
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very true

i like bad religion
30.08.03 10:32
Post #8
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if the music i engjoyed by the populous it's pop punk...true, nofx isnt as popular as those fruits, but I'm not going to lump schlock punk in with old skool/actual punk, and say its the same kinda music.
30.08.03 17:38
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i wouldnt say sum 41 and good charlotte are. Good charlottes almost rock if anytihng.
30.08.03 18:55
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good charlotes entirly shit if anything. They have helped ruin punk as it is currently known.
31.08.03 00:00
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my fav genre is trance, but its not listed :(

gogogogogog trance :D


31.08.03 12:16
Post #12
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His royal Bobliness, Bobby 'Bob' Bobson speaks!

Exactly. Try to put a variety on the poll, not just the ones you like.
31.08.03 16:06
Post #13
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I lump electronic music together. Just because I dint say trance specificaly, I get a good idea by puttn up techno. If I wanted to be real specific,Instead of punk, I could put New SKool punk,Old SKool, hard core, anti core, skate punk, thrash beat, surf punk, etc etc. just because i dont very specifically have yer ganre, dont think I'm gonna be the expert on every sub divison of music.
31.08.03 21:10
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NoFX is NOT pop punk.
All those NEW punk bands are pop/nu punk. (Good Charlet/Blink182/Sum41)

It doesn't mean you can't listen to them, we all just have a different prefference of music.

Metal/Industrial shouldn't mix since they are both 2 completely different types of music.

Some reason, every topic I see you make, you always tend to fuck up.

01.09.03 02:31
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