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I have the problem that on all new maps that i make and encode with bitmonkey there are 1-2 of those game-brackets/carriers?<-not sure of the word
that shouldnt be there!

i dont think that it is the sheme since other earlier maps are loaded without brackets. i highly suspect bitmonkey, but i dont know what to do to fix this.

24.01.09 17:04
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I am unfamiliar with the term "game-bracket". What is it you are trying to describe?
24.01.09 18:38
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yeah i dont know how to describe it, and i dont find the fitting word in dictionary either... girder maybe?

you know those little pieces where a worm can sit on, which are randomly placed around the map, those bridge-parts.
for example when you will paint map completely white there will be boxes with those bride-parts where to worms sit on, just to make space for them.
24.01.09 19:22
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You mean the Border? The yellow/black stiped border lines?
24.01.09 19:57
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This is meant to be fucking meaningful,

No, he is talking about girders.
24.01.09 20:28
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Oh, the random placement of girders...
Are you talking about Worms World Party?

The game would put in random girders if the map takes up too much space, or not enough space. So you might wanna remove something in the map, or add something in the map.

24.01.09 21:03
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yes i talk about WWP.
how can i check if there is too much or too less in the map? i tried both and both didnt help Oo

it helped to remove all the colors, but then the worms can be placed IN my graphics, which i dont want in a flyshopper ofc
25.01.09 09:17
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If the girders are cutting through the map, making holes, then you took too much space in the map.

If the girders are floating in the air, then you're not taking enough space.

By the sounds of it, your map is taking too much space.

25.01.09 17:01
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now that they do both !

usually 1-2 grinders floating air and one making holes... what would you suggest? >.<

because that IS how it is...

i tried again to remove textures or add some, but it did not make any difference, i can seriously not understand this, it makes me go crazy to watch this map that i spent about 3 hours into, and not being able to play it ONCE!
25.01.09 19:21
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Ok, if there is one at least making holes, it still means that you're taking too much space on the map (I think), so you probably should take more out.

I think Bloopy should post in this thread, because I'm not 100% sure of what I'm talking about.

25.01.09 21:25
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This is meant to be fucking meaningful,

Bloopy is cheesing in Switzerland. He's too busy.
25.01.09 21:29
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Quoted :: SouthX

Bloopy is cheesing in Switzerland. He's too busy.

He's back... and then going away for a few days again.

25.01.09 22:57
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There is an option in BitMonkey which allows you to set the amount of girders to be placed in the map. Regardless of how much terrain there is, you can set it to zero. Otherwise ropers wouldn't be possible. Look around in BitMonkey for the setting and put the girder-count as low as possible. That should work.
25.01.09 23:15
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it does not work. the minimum of girders in bitmonkey is set to one. i did that ofc, but it still occurs how i explained.
26.01.09 12:26
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And you are positive you are using the correct dimensions for the map itself? 1920x696
26.01.09 18:35
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