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Quoted :: -=Spriral=-

does anybody have a tutorial to get my dad tell me the ******* password of my router??

Learn to look, look to learn.
27.02.07 17:30
Post #31
Last edited: 27.02.07 17:31 (The Pope - 1 times) [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote]
Orangie Orgy
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Jeez, this was 2 year ago? Time flys. Anyway, should any of this on page 1 be changed around since W:A's latest patches prolly fixed the hosting problems?
18.01.08 01:05
Post #32
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Not all of the hosting problems to my knowledge. And most of the stuff on the front page is to do with port forwarding and such anyway.
18.01.08 13:29
Post #33
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Most of the pictures wont even load.
And only nubs have hosting probs. They wont understand it without pics.
Useless thread?
18.01.08 18:36
Post #34
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Orangie Orgy
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Quoted :: Pac-Man

Most of the pictures wont even load.
And only nubs have hosting probs. They wont understand it without pics.
Useless thread?

Maybe instead of acting like a titfuck you coulda just told me.

Zogger/CBwhiz: Whuts up with the spoiler tags? They seem to break only after the third image.
18.01.08 21:41
Post #35
Last edited: 18.01.08 21:46 (Pioneer322 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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This is meant to be fucking meaningful,

Quoted :: Pioneer322

Maybe instead of acting like a titfuck you coulda just told me.

In that case, images in spoilers 1 and 2 are still broked. :P
18.01.08 23:24
Post #36
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Orangie Orgy
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wtf they were working before
18.01.08 23:29
Post #37
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not here again^^
evryone against u pio :lol:
19.01.08 09:36
Post #38
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