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I have a suggestion for this great website. This Page has lots of maps, schmes, soundbanks, etc. "The Cart of Horrors" is great but if you put too much into it, then maybe its to heavy for the server. Now to my suggestion:

Why not make a FTP-Site for this site, so users can download lots of stuff. And registred useres could upload new maps, schemes, etc.

Who is with me?
27.07.05 20:45
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[G]the candy man
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whats the point... it works just fine now?
27.07.05 22:03
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we'd rather have the control offered by an HTTP based interface, FTP offers little to no advantages, and our current server load is managable.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
27.07.05 23:04
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Without mentioninh the fact that its not possible I think, because I have looked in surpass hosting charasteristics and I didnt see "anonymous FTP"
28.07.05 12:43
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Quoted :: ArcBeetle

Without mentioninh the fact that its not possible I think, because I have looked in surpass hosting charasteristics and I didnt see "anonymous FTP"

Well duh, it wouldn't be anonymous :P


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
29.07.05 06:18
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[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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why not?

for Everybody be able to download files from the FTP it would have to be anonymous, since you can register IN FTPs :p
29.07.05 12:24
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Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. It wouldn't have to be anonymous. We could have 1 login for everybody.

Actually Surpass does have support for anonymous ftps, so you were wrong about that too! :D


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
30.07.05 02:59
Post #7
Last edited: 30.07.05 05:59 (Bloopy - 1 times) [Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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30.07.05 12:18
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Orangie Orgy
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Unless you've never hosted your own FTP before anonymous FTP access is always optional, not about hosting plans
30.07.05 13:04
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Quoted :: ArcBeetle

Nothing about anonymous FTP :D

Jee-sus, if an admin says it has it, it has it. No need for stupid argument,
30.07.05 19:35
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Quoted :: xDBKxStickman

I have a suggestion for this great website. This Page has lots of maps, schmes, soundbanks, etc. "The Cart of Horrors" is great but if you put too much into it, then maybe its to heavy for the server. Now to my suggestion:

Why not make a FTP-Site for this site, so users can download lots of stuff. And registred useres could upload new maps, schemes, etc.

Who is with me?

[]TheAbdBoy criticizes you

I got no words for it so you get an action

31.07.05 23:26
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possible, but I don't think there's any way to restrict what gets uploaded. Unless we could run some cron job that weeds out the dodgy stuff

You know I'm a dancing machine
01.08.05 08:33
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But there must be one since imageshack can restrict the filetypes you can upload by FTP to only image files(jpeg, gif, swf)

In our case the extensions would be zip,rar,wsc,bit,png,wag,bmp

01.08.05 13:20
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Orangie Orgy
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Thats not uploading thru FTP tho.

edit: BTP's map uploader limits stuff like that anyways
01.08.05 16:38
Post #14
Last edited: 01.08.05 16:40 (Pioneer322 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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yes you can do it in your member area

too bad i dont have an ftp client :roll:


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01.08.05 16:48
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