
BTForum » BlameTheOffTopic Forums » BlameTheArt » What's the best house?

Poll: Which is the best house?
Zog's Desert House 0 users
Star Worms' Crazy Green Thing 0 users
C1's C-Pad 4 users
Spaz's Gay Bar 1 users
Bloopy's Abode 5 users
Redline's Cannabis Cafe 0 users
C1's Bridge-Water Party House 0 users
Readme's Temple 0 users
Knifa's KND building 1 users
Docta Shade's MoR Mansion 0 users
IGotWorms' House 0 users
Jay's Crazy House Thing 0 users
Fuzzball's Fuzzmaster house 0 users
ShootMe's pad 0 users
Spleet's Party House 1 users
Abstain 2 votes
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I liked the idea of a Pixville II poll, so i reposted the thread with a whole motherload of options. The houses on the poll are only the most original and detailed, since the poll has a limit.

Remember, whenever someone votes Abstain, Satan kills a kitten. A fluffy one, with the cutest little face. So don't.
12.07.05 09:12
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Excellent work, I voted Bloopy's house just because I like it the best.



12.07.05 11:20
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I voted Spleet Party House

Guess why ;)
12.07.05 12:15
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I voted for my C-Pad.
My other house is a party lodge. Not a water bridge house..but maybe I named it that. I duno.

Also, where's abdboy's house? That one would get some votes :D
12.07.05 19:27
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It's not really a house anymore C1, so I don't think that would count.

12.07.05 20:56
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

It's not really a house anymore C1, so I don't think that would count.

Fine, where's Abdboy's charred fire pit?
12.07.05 21:22
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[]TheAbdBoy points over there

:( poor house. It was a peice of shit

12.07.05 21:26
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heh, i can still remember way back when my temple was all :o. bloody columns took ages, and i'm still not 100% on those shadows being right.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
12.07.05 23:20
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How do you do the shadows, I'm having a problem with them.

16.07.05 05:33
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Aww, spider. You seem to have missed my brightly coloured cottage with a wonkey road leading up to it, out.

I'm sure that would of gotten a few votes!
17.07.05 01:07
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any chance of me getting into this poll after I finish my house?

I plan on owning the most complex house of all. :P

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
17.07.05 21:23
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Quoted :: Akuryou13

any chance of me getting into this poll after I finish my house?

I plan on owning the most complex house of all. :P

Ask Spider for do that but many people has voted so I think you wont have chance...

But try anyway :P
17.07.05 21:25
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Quoted :: ArcBeetle
Ask Spider for do that but many people has voted so I think you wont have chance...

But try anyway :P
I wasn't seriously trying to get into this poll. too many people have voted, and I don't even have enough money for a house yet.

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
17.07.05 22:07
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Quoted :: Akuryou13

Quoted :: ArcBeetle
Ask Spider for do that but many people has voted so I think you wont have chance...

But try anyway :P
I wasn't seriously trying to get into this poll. too many people have voted, and I don't even have enough money for a house yet.

You only need 50. You have 70.
18.07.05 04:30
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Quoted :: C1

Quoted :: Akuryou13

Quoted :: ArcBeetle
Ask Spider for do that but many people has voted so I think you wont have chance...

But try anyway :P
I wasn't seriously trying to get into this poll. too many people have voted, and I don't even have enough money for a house yet.

You only need 50. You have 70.

But there are other useful things in which spend BTP money C1... :P
18.07.05 12:15
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