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Poll: Which is the best house?
Zog's Desert House 0 users
Star Worms' Crazy Green Thing 0 users
C1's C-Pad 4 users
Spaz's Gay Bar 1 users
Bloopy's Abode 5 users
Redline's Cannabis Cafe 0 users
C1's Bridge-Water Party House 0 users
Readme's Temple 0 users
Knifa's KND building 1 users
Docta Shade's MoR Mansion 0 users
IGotWorms' House 0 users
Jay's Crazy House Thing 0 users
Fuzzball's Fuzzmaster house 0 users
ShootMe's pad 0 users
Spleet's Party House 1 users
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Quoted :: C1
You only need 50. You have 70.
the price dropped?! it was 100 last I knew about it.

but I just gave you 60 for the Rask or whatever game, so I no longer have the money for a house.

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
19.07.05 16:15
Post #16
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Quoted :: Akuryou13

Quoted :: C1
You only need 50. You have 70.
the price dropped?! it was 100 last I knew about it.

but I just gave you 60 for the Rask or whatever game, so I no longer have the money for a house.

Rate awesome side-kicks? Unless you ment rusk, but that was years ago.

19.07.05 17:09
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Quoted :: psymon

Quoted :: Akuryou13

Quoted :: C1
You only need 50. You have 70.
the price dropped?! it was 100 last I knew about it.

but I just gave you 60 for the Rask or whatever game, so I no longer have the money for a house.

Rate awesome side-kicks? Unless you ment rusk, but that was years ago.

You should read posts more* often. I created a new World Domination game called..Rask.
19.07.05 18:35
Post #18
Last edited: 20.07.05 03:37 (C1 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: C1

You should read posts move often.

I do move, It would be bloody hard to live otherwise.
And I did read that thread, but seeing as I wasn't taking part in it, I didn't read the rest of it or see that it was called Rask (No one would know it's a rip of of rusk)

19.07.05 19:09
Post #19
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Quoted :: psymon

Quoted :: C1

You should read posts move often.

I do move, It would be bloody hard to live otherwise.
And I did read that thread, but seeing as I wasn't taking part in it, I didn't read the rest of it or see that it was called Rask (No one would know it's a rip of of rusk)

I never heard about a game called Rusk. How it is?
19.07.05 21:07
Post #20
Last edited: 19.07.05 21:08 (ArcBeetle - 1 times) [Hide Sig (9)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: ArcBeetle

Quoted :: psymon

Quoted :: C1

You should read posts move often.

I do move, It would be bloody hard to live otherwise.
And I did read that thread, but seeing as I wasn't taking part in it, I didn't read the rest of it or see that it was called Rask (No one would know it's a rip of of rusk)

I never heard about a game called Rusk. How it is?

It's an awesome game that only the bluies and admins played. Zog never released it because he was too lazy to finish it.
Let's forget about the game and never speak of it again.

Back to Rask. It's actually just called World Domination, but I thought Rask was shorter.'s the only vowel left that sounds cool. "Rosk" doesn't work :P
20.07.05 03:39
Post #21
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well why not "rysk" :roll:

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
20.07.05 05:44
Post #22
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Quoted :: Akuryou13

well why not "rysk" :roll:

20.07.05 13:34
Post #23
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Quoted :: C1

Quoted :: Akuryou13

well why not "rysk" :roll:


And "y" is not a vowel :)
20.07.05 16:54
Post #24
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Quoted :: C1

Back to Rask. It's actually just called World Domination, but I thought Rask was shorter.'s the only vowel left that sounds cool. "Rosk" doesn't work :P

You think Rask sounds cool? What about Resk?

20.07.05 18:31
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Quoted :: ArcBeetle

Quoted :: C1

Quoted :: Akuryou13

well why not "rysk" :roll:


And "y" is not a vowel :)
it SORT OF is. :P

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
20.07.05 21:49
Post #26
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