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Quoted :: The Pope

Use a mesh-smooth, although that might go by a different name but I know in 3DS Max it's in the modify tab.
yeah, Dim said I needed that too, but neither of us know if that sort of smooth is available in Maya. we're waiting for Kjatte to get on so I can find out.

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
07.08.05 17:47
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good enough for me:

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
09.08.05 19:53
Post #32
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Quoted :: Akuryou13

good enough for me:

He seems sad. Make him smile :)
12.08.05 17:15
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Yeah, but other than that, looking good! :)
13.08.05 02:43
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For me it just look a bit asleep ;)
13.08.05 11:04
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[]The Pope
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It could all do with some anti-aliasing as the lines look a bit harsh.

Learn to look, look to learn.
13.08.05 11:35
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Looking good Aku, I can see this going a long way.
Now for your next challenge...

Make It Move! ;)


13.08.05 15:05
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the way it's modelled now makes it impossible to animate it. I'll likely redo it soon with far fewer polygons.

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
13.08.05 15:09
Post #38
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strech the head, strech the tale = perfect worm.
14.08.05 22:18
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Quoted :: sqwueek

strech the head, strech the tale = perfect worm.
the tail and head were stretched before and I got complaints about it, so I've edited it since. I think it's perfect just teh way it is....well....the basic shape is perfect, anyway

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
14.08.05 23:07
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Orangie Orgy
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Actually, lookign closely I could say the mid-section to tail could be extended... just a bit (im just comparing mental images from W-3d worms to this :))
15.08.05 01:40
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wasn't really trying to get it to look anything like W3D worms, actually :p

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
15.08.05 03:02
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nevermind then...:roll:
15.08.05 12:18
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