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Ok 2 ideas.

1- Betting Shop This is a money using idea. Users can bet on current sporting events. It'll probably be split up into 3 differant Catorgorys:

1-USA North America
The reason Europe is slightly ignored is because there's only one or two current and Stable Europeans, Namly Archamond.
The idea could go either way: Normal Betting shops using Odds posted at online websites or SweepStakes. Both could be used. This could take some coding to make it automated.

2- BlameTheMedia
This is another Forum Idea, for disscusing TV, Movies and all other types of Media.

01.04.05 16:48
Post #1
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Or the actually sporting events could be made up.
And then a randomizing script could pick scores. (odds being better for some teams for some games)

01.04.05 20:45
Post #2
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Are you forgetting the UK is in europe? :|
02.04.05 00:12
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I know the UK is in europe, but when it comes to sports we're on our own mostly, Except for the UFEA cup(I think that's the one)

02.04.05 07:36
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I like the betting shop idea (with real sports) actually, but it would be difficult to automate, unless we nick the info from some real betting website.

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02.04.05 10:32
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Unless we get somebody to fill in all the infomation for new events(Bagsy not it!) and get some code to pay to the winners.

EDIT: What's wrong with saying USA?

02.04.05 12:02
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Quoted :: C1

Or the actually sporting events could be made up.
And then a randomizing script could pick scores. (odds being better for some teams for some games)

As I said, we can make up sports. Like the "Gernade Throw" or the "100M Rope Race"
02.04.05 12:15
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No, It just wouldn't work well with fake events. It'ld just be fake events with fake odds and fake competitors. Real events would work better because it's real odds and it's people we know.
(Bad reasoning but real events would be better).

And any news on BlameTheMedia?

02.04.05 12:23
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Quoted :: psymon

And any news on BlameTheMedia?

do we really need another forum?

You know I'm a dancing machine
02.04.05 16:10
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Not really, but I was just a thought.

02.04.05 17:06
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You could change a forum that isn't used very much instead?


02.04.05 19:06
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If you get it started quickly enough, we can bet on whether the Illini will win in the semi-finals.

Though tip-off is about 2 1/2 hours away, so that's unlikely :P.
02.04.05 22:27
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Quoted :: Glenn

If you get it started quickly enough, we can bet on whether the Illini will win in the semi-finals.

Though tip-off is about 2 1/2 hours away, so that's unlikely :P.

Why not just bet amongst yourselves if you want to do this because unless we use fake information, that's basically what you would be doing anyways..
04.04.05 19:55
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Quoted :: C1

Quoted :: Glenn

If you get it started quickly enough, we can bet on whether the Illini will win in the semi-finals.

Though tip-off is about 2 1/2 hours away, so that's unlikely :P.

Why not just bet amongst yourselves if you want to do this because unless we use fake information, that's basically what you would be doing anyways..

shut up with the fake races, just use real events, that way we have information to go on, like your not going to bet on norwich winnning the premiership are you, whereas if you use fake things you have no real information to go on thus just making a guess out of however many people to bet on.

05.04.05 17:27
Post #14
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Dave, you are such a cunt on here, consider yourself warned.
05.04.05 18:23
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