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Quoted :: DreamEater

Quoted :: C1

Quoted :: Glenn

If you get it started quickly enough, we can bet on whether the Illini will win in the semi-finals.

Though tip-off is about 2 1/2 hours away, so that's unlikely :P.

Why not just bet amongst yourselves if you want to do this because unless we use fake information, that's basically what you would be doing anyways..

shut up with the fake races, just use real events, that way we have information to go on, like your not going to bet on norwich winnning the premiership are you, whereas if you use fake things you have no real information to go on thus just making a guess out of however many people to bet on.


You'd have fake odds.
05.04.05 21:09
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It *could* work, but it would be way too much of a hassle to compile stats for each of the fictional teams, and to adjust the stats as fictional players are traded/quitted/added and as teams win and lose games.
05.04.05 21:18
Post #17
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Quoted :: Glenn

It *could* work, but it would be way too much of a hassle to compile stats for each of the fictional teams, and to adjust the stats as fictional players are traded/quitted/added and as teams win and lose games.

thus making the real odds and stats thing better

meiapaul im sucha cunt everywhere, so im not too fussed
05.04.05 23:42
Post #18
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Quoted :: DreamEater

Quoted :: Glenn

It *could* work, but it would be way too much of a hassle to compile stats for each of the fictional teams, and to adjust the stats as fictional players are traded/quitted/added and as teams win and lose games.

thus making the real odds and stats thing better

meiapaul im sucha cunt everywhere, so im not too fussed

Not really better for an automated system or page. It would be better if you better amongst yourselves.

Making a page would be just as much work to make fake odds.
06.04.05 18:43
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No, it really wouldn't be NEARLY as much work to make the page. The page is simple. Making fake statistics to base odds are, and allowing provisions for those statistics to change as events happen, is much much harder and much more drawn out. I could probably make a program to create such fake odds in C++, but I won't, because it'd be several hundred lines long (it'd go into the thousands depending on how much stuff goes into it).
06.04.05 19:16
Post #20
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Okay. If you think you can get the real stats to work, try it. But as soon as an admin forgets to update it, all will go to hell. It'd be very hard to automate stats that come from an entirely different site if the stats aren't fake.

I'm happy with either thing, I just don't see how real stats would work.
06.04.05 22:54
Post #21
Last edited: 06.04.05 22:55 (C1 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: psymon

I know the UK is in europe, but when it comes to sports we're on our own mostly, Except for the UFEA cup(I think that's the one)
The UK do lots of sporting events. Whatre you talking about??

Quoted :: C1

Okay. If you think you can get the real stats to work, try it. But as soon as an admin forgets to update it, all will go to hell. It'd be very hard to automate stats that come from an entirely different site if the stats aren't fake.

I'm happy with either thing, I just don't see how real stats would work.
Psymon can update them himself, since he seems to be the most enthusiastic person to do so.
07.04.05 14:48
Post #22
Last edited: 07.04.05 14:49 (kikumbob - 1 times) [Hide Sig (9)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: kikumbob

Quoted :: psymon

I know the UK is in europe, but when it comes to sports we're on our own mostly, Except for the UFEA cup(I think that's the one)
The UK do lots of sporting events. Whatre you talking about??

AFAIK, We only have 1 or 2 active europeans not from the UK. Prove me wrong and then a European section will be added. It's just that the UK is seperate from most of the European sporting events. The only exception I can think of is the UFEA(F1 is more international)

Quoted :: Kikumbob

Quoted :: C1

Okay. If you think you can get the real stats to work, try it. But as soon as an admin forgets to update it, all will go to hell. It'd be very hard to automate stats that come from an entirely different site if the stats aren't fake.

I'm happy with either thing, I just don't see how real stats would work.
Psymon can update them himself, since he seems to be the most enthusiastic person to do so.

Hopefully there'll be a RSS feed we could just steal from a site or something. If not, we should get atleast 2-3 people to cover the reasent sporting events, Incase someone forgets.

07.04.05 14:58
Post #23
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Quoted :: kikumbob

Quoted :: psymon

I know the UK is in europe, but when it comes to sports we're on our own mostly, Except for the UFEA cup(I think that's the one)
The UK do lots of sporting events. Whatre you talking about??

Quoted :: C1

Okay. If you think you can get the real stats to work, try it. But as soon as an admin forgets to update it, all will go to hell. It'd be very hard to automate stats that come from an entirely different site if the stats aren't fake.

I'm happy with either thing, I just don't see how real stats would work.
Psymon can update them himself, since he seems to be the most enthusiastic person to do so.

Yeah I suppose. Him and the admins (including user ones) could do it.
07.04.05 20:03
Post #24
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it would appear that no-one who is backing this understands how much work being a bookmaker actually is, as well as creating the system to manage this - keeping the odds balanced is practically a science, and is an exceptionally difficult job.

I had considered attempting to write a system like, but the nubmer of people we get visiting isnt enough to justify that sort of scale of program.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
08.04.05 08:30
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Quoted :: kikumbob

Quoted :: psymon

I know the UK is in europe, but when it comes to sports we're on our own mostly, Except for the UFEA cup(I think that's the one)
The UK do lots of sporting events. Whatre you talking about??
especially considering that the Grand National is tomorrow.

08.04.05 12:35
Post #26
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we was considering UK sport as separate from europe

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
08.04.05 12:54
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