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This is actually the grave. I think there should be poxelpets, but that's just me...

An image!

01.02.05 22:12
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You know, there is a thread dedicated to images.


01.02.05 22:19
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[G]the candy man
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what exactly is that grave.... a poxel..... with some lines on it
01.02.05 22:29
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Take a look at his pixel pet:
IcePacks Jr.

02.02.05 09:08
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Hehe, a very nice 3D replica of your PixelPet. Nice work. ;)

As for the rest of you, lighten up :P
02.02.05 13:18
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althought i dont know waht it is, i cant stop looking at harrys avator
02.02.05 23:24
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Yeah, harry's sig distracts me from posting sometimes...
03.02.05 05:26
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I can't tell what it is, it makes me feel like I'm slipping down a huge blood vessel..:P
03.02.05 12:39
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It's like some sort of Red Hole :?

Anyways, nice pic Icepacks. Bit small for a grave though isn't it?


03.02.05 17:48
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Hey Megalomaniac
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I'd guess Harry's avy is an area from Doom 3. The dark, blood-looking walls seem like something that'd be in Doom, and not to mention it has "doom3" in the filename :P


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
03.02.05 19:01
Post #10
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i should really play some more doom3 but i havent since i playing in the wee hours of the morning and my mates knowing my family were on holiday. Walked up the road to my house and invited themselves in. Bursting through the door.

I swear i had a small heart attack.
03.02.05 21:35
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Quoted :: Jay

i should really play some more doom3 but i havent since i playing in the wee hours of the morning and my mates knowing my family were on holiday. Walked up the road to my house and invited themselves in. Bursting through the door.

I swear i had a small heart attack.

I would too, after playing some dark Doom o_O It's not really the monsters that are scary. It's when the designers decide to put the monsters in some random dark place and they just jump out at you. If it was just statically lit (some Doom THAT'D be...) you'd probably say "oh. It's a baby-looking thing. Hmm." You can see they tried to make it scary. The fact that you can't have a flashlight and a gun out proves it. I'd probably be scared sh!7less in the first 20 minutes...
On the other hand, it's Doom, of course they wanna make it scary. *slaps self* just call me Captain Obvious...

EDIT: Uh, wow, we should probably bring this on-topic. Nice job IcePacks. Good perspective...


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
03.02.05 22:47
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That would scare my s**tless!

Mind you I have had something like that happen to me.
It was 3am and I was playing D3 with the lights off
(so I could actually see where I was going on the game):P,
and I accidently woke my mum up without knowing till she opened my door.
Heh, you should have seen me jump, she made me fall backwards over chair!


03.02.05 23:16
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Quoted :: Runt

It's like some sort of Red Hole :?

Anyways, nice pic Icepacks. Bit small for a grave though isn't it?

Yeah. I accidentally shrunk all the poxel graves width (The deminsions, not the pic) by 2 pix.

IcePacks Jr. also died, because my homework was flooding over me.

An image!

14.02.05 16:27
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Not online within the last half an hour My ACIDplanet profile, PHS. Please go check this out, my own made music

poor pixel

My MSN Status is currently: An image!
16.02.05 11:36
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