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did you actually make it and did it actually work?
seems like an impossibility with the "creating energy out of nothing" thing. It takes extra energy to move the magnets past eachother (or however you wish to describe it)

UV radiation splits up O2, right? isn't that how O3 is formed in the first place? :)

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19.01.05 13:46
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Quoted :: keeper
Glen I think that quoted artical is flawed.. it states that nitrogen is dangerous to the ozone, but Nitrogen is about 73% of all the gasses in the atmosphere.

It's not exactly damaging to the atmosphere, but it can be damaging overall. The nitrogen you're talking about is N2, it's INCREDABLY stable. The nitrogen it's talking about are Nitrous Oxides (and higher forms). Normally, they form an endless loop of making and destroying O3 (it'll make one, then break one, etc). However, with the addition of hydrocarbons, it will instead combine to form various pollutants (also contributing to acid rain).
19.01.05 14:40
Post #32
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Quoted :: keeper

Traveling 4 miles (in theory) would alow you to reach a top speed of about 400+ miles an hour.


Heh, another day, another chemistry lesson :P It was Hydrogen power today, which can actually cope with demand, unlike fermented sugar ;) It is more dangerous than petrol, fact. However, in a crash, provided it isn't ignited by a spark, will diffuse in a few seconds, unlike petrol, which soaks into the upholstry and lies on the road, so it is more of a risk initially, but afterwords there isn't a problem. Its also really readily available.....Although there is no hydrogen in the atmosphere, the sea is full of the stuff, just electrolyse it and you're sorted.

I know what you're thinking..."but alas, its a gas! Surely my car doesn;t have space to store gas? 8O" Fear not. There are two solutions: a motor could, and probably already has been made which could electrolyse water in the car, meaning the car would effectively run on water. Failing this, metals such as Paladium are able to store hydrogen like a sponge, storing up to 100 times their own volume, which is another solution. But meh.
19.01.05 16:25
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I did my science project on hydrogen fuel. It seems very good.
19.01.05 21:10
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Quoted :: Meiapaul
Heh, another day, another chemistry lesson :P It was Hydrogen power today, which can actually cope with demand, unlike fermented sugar ;) It is more dangerous than petrol, fact. However, in a crash, provided it isn't ignited by a spark
...But if there is a spark then POP!:P

Quoted :: Meiapaul
As far as vehicles/ engines are concerned, ethanol is the perfect fuel. As you probably know, it is made from fermentating ethene, which is a natural produce in sugar cane.
There a far more efficient ways of making ethanol than fermenting sugar.

Quoted :: Meiapaul
P.S. Global warming hasn't been proven to exist, its just a theory. There could actually be global dulling, so things preventing global warming aren't actually necessary .
Nope, it's a fact. The earth is gradually heating up. About 1C per 50 years.

Quoted :: keeper
CO2 Doesn't hurt the ozone layer.. it makes it thicker. This is what causes global warming. The thinker the ozone layer gets, more heat is traped in side.
How can it increase the ozone layer if CO2 isn't ozone?:P

Quoted :: keeper
Sulphuric gasses produced by factorys will eat a hole through the ozone layer however, even if CO2 doesn't.
Are you sure? AFAIK it just causes acidic rain when it reacts with water in rain to form sulphuric acid.

Quoted :: keeper
Solor power as an alternative energy source IS NOT efficiaant.. but it IS an alternative.. I probobly should have said that when I mentioned it above, though I dont think the energy loss is as bad as your statistic.. iit is however somewhat of a hindrence..
Solar power is used by plants, it is efficient, it's just that the techonolgy hasn't been created to store the enery AFAIK. Plants contain chlorophyll in the chloroplasts which traps the sunlight. Chlorophyll is a molecule, so it's very small. Without using chlorophyll for solar cells i think it would be unlikely that solar power would become efficient. That's just what I think though - I don't actually know.

Quoted :: keeper
The only other option available would be nuclear power. very dangerous, and costly to operate.
It's not dangerous so long as it is kept under control.

Cholorfluorocarbons damage the ozone. Cl2 molecules are split up by ultraviolet light, this produces to chlorine free radicals which then react with practically the first molecule they bump into:

Cl2 --> Cl free radical + Cl free radical
Cl free radical + O3 --> ClO free radical + O2.

Because this produces another free radical, this can react with more O3 molecules:

ClO free radical + O3 --> Cl free radical + 2O2

Anyway that's it for the chemistry lesson;)

19.01.05 21:36
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damn, everyone else made the counter poins to keep's post that i was going to.

Nuclear power is not actually that dangerous - the problem is the disposal of the subsequent radioactive waste.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
19.01.05 21:57
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Quoted :: ReadMe

damn, everyone else made the counter poins to keep's post that i was going to.

Nuclear power is not actually that dangerous - the problem is the disposal of the subsequent radioactive waste.

Launch a space ship at the sun with all the waste.
19.01.05 22:52
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Quoted :: C1

Launch a space ship at the sun with all the waste.

And how many of them would you have to send a week?


20.01.05 00:00
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Quoted :: C1

Quoted :: ReadMe

damn, everyone else made the counter poins to keep's post that i was going to.

Nuclear power is not actually that dangerous - the problem is the disposal of the subsequent radioactive waste.

Launch a space ship at the sun with all the waste.

Not exactly a feasable idea because:
A) The money, materials, and fuel needed for that would be ENTIRELY unwieldly.
B) You don't know what sending a nuclear missile (which that's basically what you're proposing) at the sun would do.
20.01.05 00:23
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Quoted :: Glenn

nuclear missile (which that's basically what you're proposing)

not so, it's more of a dirty bomb - it's actually rather difficult to create a proper nuclear explosion - hence why there's only a few countried in the world that bother.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
20.01.05 00:25
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Quoted :: Glenn

Quoted :: C1

Quoted :: ReadMe

damn, everyone else made the counter poins to keep's post that i was going to.

Nuclear power is not actually that dangerous - the problem is the disposal of the subsequent radioactive waste.

Launch a space ship at the sun with all the waste.

Not exactly a feasable idea because:
A) The money, materials, and fuel needed for that would be ENTIRELY unwieldly.
B) You don't know what sending a nuclear missile (which that's basically what you're proposing) at the sun would do.

The explosion (if any) would do nothing because the sun is so big. But if you had a huge enough craft, that could solve our waste problems for a long itme.
20.01.05 04:45
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The cost to make that would be incredible, not to mention the ammount of fuel it would need to keep it steady from the gravitational pulls of other planets and asteroids (if any)..
Heh, bad enough of the ammount of money being spent on our space station and shuttle launches
20.01.05 04:49
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On solar power, this is an article I found about solar power being used in japan.

on future solar panel development:


Newer systems will be even more efficient. A "concentration module" will track the sun with a special lens that concentrates sunlight in germanium cells that are 1.5 times more efficient than the silicon cells of modules in widespread use today. Recently, a 1.7 x 0.3 meter module produced about 150 watts of output with a 28.1% rating. Jointly developed by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), Sharp Corporation and Daido Metal Co, the new system is expected to be commercialized in 2005. The developers also hope to achieve a 40% rating and a module costing 100,000 yen per kw within the same year.



Taking all these conditions into account, current systems are generally expected to achieve 12% efficiency and generate nearly 1,000 kilowatt-hours (kwh) per available kw output per year. An average Japanese household with four members consumes some 4,500 kwh of electric power per year, which could be handledby a 4 to 5 kw system with a conversion efficiency of 15.7%. Consuming no fossil energy, the system would enable the family to produce the equivalent of 180 kgs less of carbon CO2 emissions and consume 243 liters less oil each year.

(generally you get about 12% efficiency from a residential solar panel. I also read something in New Scientist recently about solar panels giving the normal efficiency of a good solar panel, I don't think it was that high.


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20.01.05 11:12
Post #43
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PS, mister C1
if you electrolyse water, it will cost you as much energy to electrolyse it as you will get from burning it :) and since you'll always lose energy due to warmth... *ineffecient alert*

launching a nuclear missile at the sun will do absolutely nothing. Not because the sun is too big, but because the sun is "burning" due to nuclear fusion already (nuclear fusion >>> nuclear fission)

nuclear power plants are not dangerous, since there are 6 seperate safeguards to prevent disaster from happening and since they don't use enough uranium at the same time to cause a cataclysm that can blow up a city. (or in english) they don't use enough uranium to make a bomb :P

And star worms, I'd like to re-add the molar volume of a gas to your chemistry lesson.
Cl2 has the same molar volume as for instance O2

molecular weight of O2 = 2 x 16,00 = 32,00 g/mole
molecular weight of Cl2 = 2 x 35,45 = 70,90 g/mole

--> Cl2 has a much higher density than O2

How does Cl2 go up then? lower densities should be higher in the atmosphere (or statosphere or however it is called)

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20.01.05 12:00
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Quoted :: Dark1
nuclear power plants are not dangerous, since there are 6 seperate safeguards to prevent disaster from happening and since they don't use enough uranium at the same time to cause a cataclysm that can blow up a city. (or in english) they don't use enough uranium to make a bomb

Go tell that to the people at Chernobyl.
20.01.05 15:05
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