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Poll: Who do YOU want to win 2004 btp santaworm contest?
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Best Santaworm.

Prize: £200 BTP moneys. multiplied by the number of seperate users entered.

Example. 5 users enter = prize money of 1000

This is to promote more entries.

Closing date: 19th December

Best Santaworm, simple.
Must be something new for this competition, none of your old work.
You must make it yourself.
Animation allowed.

Each user entering will recieve 20 BTP pounds from Jay

Thats all, go make your santaworm.


Edited by Jay

Reason : Modified rules to encourage more activity.

16.12.04 11:35
Post #1
Last edited: 16.12.04 14:30 (The Wishmaster - 2 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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yay. this could be fun.
16.12.04 11:40
Post #2
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Hey Megalomaniac
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After school, perhaps. Maybe the dull and boring classes there will give me an inspiration?


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
16.12.04 12:50
Post #3
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Very nice idea of multiplying reward, might enter, to increase the price, heh.

16.12.04 15:22
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I'll do something vulgar and pointlessly stupid, but funny anyway. probably just to increase the prize money, cause I'm not gunna put forth the effort to make a good animation....most likely anyway.

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
16.12.04 17:10
Post #5
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[]The Pope
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I'll stick in the £100 I currently own towards the 1st place prize money...

Learn to look, look to learn.
16.12.04 18:34
Post #6
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Can it be an animation?

RunT likes animating no he knows how


17.12.04 00:12
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Quoted :: Runt

Can it be an animation?

RunT likes animating no he knows how

read the first post. it CAN be an animation.

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
17.12.04 04:27
Post #8
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*feels stoopid!*

Ok cool, count me in.
I'll create mine soon.
Even though it's the 17th today. Ahhh! Not alot of time!


17.12.04 21:07
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probably will end up animated if the contest deadline gets extended

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
17.12.04 21:59
Post #10
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[G]the candy man
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Quoted :: XxfuzzballxX

Example. 5 users enter = prize money of 1000

and you are paying this?

aprt from money from pope and J?
17.12.04 23:20
Post #11
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The money will be funded appropriatly. Dont worry about it.
17.12.04 23:25
Post #12
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Well, theres only been 1 entry so i'm i'll give you more time.

New Deadline will be the 23rd.
18.12.04 19:43
Post #13
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Right, here is my entry. Not very good I know but it was the best I could make with such short notice.
And I said I was going to make a animation but I couldn't be bothered. So here is my crappy 3D Worm with Santa hat on.
An image!


18.12.04 20:19
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Here's mine.

18.12.04 23:19
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